Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The planned operation of the German landing of the British hertz Isles (Unternehmen Seelöwe) decade

Is Sea Lion had a chance? | Interesting historical
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The planned operation of the German landing of the British hertz Isles (Unternehmen Seelöwe) decades evokes emotions. Did Hitler really could take England? Joachim von Ribbentrop Do you have a chance to be (he dreamed) "prince" of Cornwall? And if Churchill was not exaggerating, practicing in the shooting and preparing for street battles with Szwabami?
Responding briefly: no, no, yes. The whole operation "Sea Lion", if you look at it from the perspective of contemporary possibilities and plans, there was almost no chance of success. Perceptively writes about Maciej Franz in his recently published book, "Heroes hertz of the longest days. MarineDesanty World War II. "
Hitler's attack on Britain decided July 16, 1940 year. After the government of Winston Churchill rejected his peace proposals, the Führer simply do not see any other options. His Directive No. 16 required hertz the taking hertz of preparations for the big landings, as a result of which the other side of the channel was to be slung 25 divisions (two full armies)! Note that quickly proposed to raise this number up to 40 divisions. Well, begs the fundamental question: how the hell they wanted to do and that within two months, not a couple hertz of years? Nazi phantasmagoria
As noted by Maciej Franz, after the operation of the Norwegian hertz German Navy temporarily or permanently lost a third of its combat potential. The action was finished only one large ship artillery - pocket battleship Admiral Scheer - but not even planned to use it to shield another landing operation. It was thought more about setting along the French coast of the Manche department battery far-reaching, but it would require a large financial investment and it was just impossible to made in such a short time. Meanwhile, the enemy still had perhaps the most powerful fleet in the world and could easily disperse undefended assemblage of barges and freighters!
This is not the end of problems. In Norway, Germany occupied ports and it blew up in their soldiers. Meanwhile, the operation "Seelöwe" she had to have a clean landing in nature, and the soldiers using assault units were down directly on the shore. The snag is that the Third Reich did not have any units desantowymi. Such actions were collected at the end of a few hundred tugs, 168 cargo ships and over two thousand barges and boats, but it definitely was not a "specialized equipment". Ba, most of the bar did not even have its own power.
Not the biggest problem, however, stuck. Man has always somehow can handle and dotaszczy to shore. But what about the ... tank? For the purposes of the operation "Seelöwe" prepared 152 so-called "diving tanks." Number would be probably the most adequate, but something had to be the armored cars to pass near the British shore: Although they planned hertz to transport barges and ferries, but they first had to rebuild, outfitted in special ramp. The situation was the same as in the case of coastal hertz department - it simply could not be done in less than two months.
And the last issue - as they say Englishmen, last but not least - the Germans did not have to end those who put their makeshift bar. They could, of course, to send to the UK piechociarzy ordinary, but no one who is sane is not expected that you will cope with such a complex operation. Meanwhile, Germany had no trained troops landing - at most a few units of paratroopers and mountain rifles. Mein lieber Führer! It just does not work!
About all that knew German naval commander Erich Raeder. In an act of protest has prepared a memorandum in which he criticized the plan for landing. To cite a few of his points (all can be found in the book Matthew Franz):
Of course Raeder hertz also mentioned the need to gain dominance in the air, or

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