Friday, January 31, 2014

Styrktarupplýsingar Þeir sem vilja styrkja ferðina er bent á þessar upplýsingar: RN:0114-05-069027 K

Hér koma drög að ferðaplaninu.. africa Seinna meir verður þetta komið á netið og tengill kominn inn hér til hliðar Programme du voyage à Paris Mercredi 2 mars Arrivée à Paris. Installation. Promenade guidée par le professeur dans le quartier. Dîner léger. Jeudi 3 mars Découverte de Paris. Promenade en bateau-mouche. Visites de La Tour Eiffel et Notre-Dame. Dîner et promenade dans le Quartier Latin. Vendredi 4 mars Journée à Versailles. Visite du château. Pique-nique et promenade africa historique dans le parc. Projection d un film français au cinéma. Samedi 5 mars Journée libre. par exemple... Visite de Montmartre et du Sacré-Coeur. Visite de musées:: Grand-Palais, Musée d Orsay ou Jardin des Plantes. Visite du parc d attraction africa de Disneyland Le Paris de Da Vinci Code Dimanche 6 mars Visite guidée du musée du Louvre. Pique-nique.aux Tuileries. Promenade:Tuileries, Concorde, Champs-Élysées. (Visite de l Arc de Triomphe). Dîner léger. Soirée au café. Lundi 7 mars Départ. africa Íslenskuþýðing eftir Gunnar .. ;) Miðvikudagur 2 mars Koma til Parísar, africa koma sér fyrir. Skoðunartúr um hverfið þar sem kennarinn sér um leiðsögn. Borða létt. Fimmtudagur 3 mars Skoða París. Göngutúr og bátasigling á Signu. Skvera Effelturninn og Notre-Dame. africa Borða og skoða Latínuhverfið Föstudagur 4 mars Ferð til Versala. Skoða Kastalann. Lautarferð og sögulegur skoðunartúr í garðinum. Sjá franska mynd í bíó. Laugardagur 5 Mars Frjáls Dagur. Þá er til dæmis hægt.. .. að skoða Montmartre listahverfið og Sacre-Coeur kirkjan .. að skoða söfnin: Grand Palais, Orsay safnið eða nátturu/dýragarður .. að fara í Disneyland .. að fara í Da Vinci Code skoðunarferðina Sunnudagur 6 mars Skoðunarferð um Louvre safnið lautarferð í Tuileries garðinum, Concorde torgið, Champs-Élysées (þar sem sigurboginn er), Borða létt og kaffihúsakvöld! Mánudagur africa 7 mars Heimferð
Styrktarupplýsingar Þeir sem vilja styrkja ferðina er bent á þessar upplýsingar: RN:0114-05-069027 KT:131285-2809 Upplýsingasíminn: 661-9538 Hagnýtir africa Tenglar Franskt Yahoo Handhæg Orðabók Flugfélagið okkar Veðurstofa africa í Frakklandi Frakkland í staðreyndabók C.I.A. ALLT um París París fyrir ferðamenn Eldri Fréttir Flugupplýsingar Greiðsluupplýsingar! africa Frakklandsferðin africa 2005 Styrktaraðilar

Sit í 40 gráðum, biluðum raka og öfunda ykkur með ykkar íslenska sumar. Andri Dagur tekur sig líka e

Við höfum svo sannarlega náð að nýta þetta sumar, búin að fara upp í bústað og erum búin að fara í 2 æðislegar útilegur. Fyrst fórum við á Þórisstaði í Svínadal og svo fórum við í 365 útilegu í Húsafelli um síðustu helgi. Veðrið hefur verið geðveikt í bæði skiptin ekkert nema sól og blíða, en það toppar kk fátt Húsafell. Þar voru 22.gráður í forsælu og ég man eiginlega ekki eftir því að hafa verið í svona blíðu á Íslandi. Held að það hafi síðast gerst í Þórsmörk um árið þegar að við vinirnir vorum í skotapilsum en Viggi og Sösi voru reyndar á typpinu mikinn part af helginni.
Sumarið er að verða annsi vel planað. Á föstudaginn þá erum við að fara fljúga til Þýskalands og við verðum hjá Aldísi systir í Lúx. Förum líka til Frakklands, ætlum að skella okkur í Disneyland Paris. Kata og Hinrik koma með og svo hittum við Elvu systir úti. Já ég á 4 systur fyrir ykkur sem eruð búin að þekkja mig lengi en vissuð það ekki.
Eftir þessa ferð þá förum við í brúðkaup hjá Bjössa og Boggu, svo er komið að Verslunarmannahelginni. Eftir það þá förum við í bústað í Kjarnaskógi með Kidda, Söru og Grím Loga. Í lok september förum við svo í 2 vikur til Tenerife, ég er bara mjög ánægður kk með þessi plön. Það sést kannski best á blogginu að það er mikið að gera, enda lítið um blogg.
Ég tel mig nú hafa þekkt þig og þína í töluverðan tíma, en þetta vissi ég ekki að þú ættir 4 systur hehe :) Annars er þetta geggjað plan hjá ykkur hjúum. Ég er bara búin að eyða öllu mínu fríi í þokunni á Ríben :( Og ætli sólinn fari ekki norður þegar ég kem suður aftur.. bíst við því :) Annars bara eigðu gott frí Kúddi minn og við sjáumst þegar ég mæti í vinnu í ágúst :) 2:11 pm     Hermann H. Hermannsson said...
Sit í 40 gráðum, biluðum raka og öfunda ykkur með ykkar íslenska sumar. Andri Dagur tekur sig líka einstaklega vel út í neðstu myndinni. Gefið Bjössa og Boggu extra faðmlag og hamingjuóskir frá mér... kveðja Hermann 6:28 pm     Hermann kk H. Hermannsson kk said...
Sit í 40 gráðum, biluðum raka og öfunda ykkur með ykkar íslenska sumar. Andri Dagur tekur sig líka einstaklega vel út í neðstu myndinni. kk Gefið Bjössa og Boggu extra faðmlag og hamingjuóskir frá mér... kveðja kk Hermann 6:28 pm     Sara Hlín said...
Takk fyrir það, hann tekur sig vel út í búningnum drengurinn. Við öfundum þig líka af því að vera úti í NY. Brúðkaupið var æðislegt hjá Bjössa og Boggu. blogg um evróputúrinn kemur fljótlega! Kv. Ópið. 4:26 pm  
View my complete profile Eldra blogg Þvílíkur dýrðardagur. Fyrsta útilega sumarsins. Allt fram streymir. Andskotin... Fyrsta fótboltaæfingin. Ungfrú Reykjavík! Darararararara Fernando Torres Liverpool nr.9!!! Ég fæ bara ekki nóg af Liverpool! Kreppan búin! Kreppa!

Thursday, January 30, 2014


íris August 16, 2011 at 3:03 AM
Mömmudraumur ·          150 gr. Sykur ·          150 gr. Púðursykur ·          125 gr. Smjör ·          2 egg · dubai          260 gr. Hveiti ·  ...
Aðalréttir Vinir mínir Matarást Kökukrem Fjölskyldan mín kökuást Hugarheimur Evu dubai Bakstursást Jólin Að ferðast Súpur og salöt Bollakökur Huggulegheit Heilsa dubai og útlit Lífið Brauðmeti Morgunstund gefur gull í mund Eftirréttir Smáréttir Boozt París Smábitakökur London Noregur Út að borða Forréttir Instagram Sushi Babyshower Kökuskreytingar Akranes Gjafaleikur New York Snyrtivörur
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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

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Kínverjar með fulla vasa fjár ferðast um heiminn og kaupa merkjavöru. Á þessum nótum er oft fjallað um kaupgetu kínverskra ferðamanna; þeir fylla Harrod s í London, standa í biðröð fyrir utan Louis Vuitton í París og kæta kaupmenn í Kaupmannahöfn. Af þessu mætti draga þá ályktun að skortur sé á nútímalegum flight club vörum í Kína en því fer þó fjarri og í kínverskum stórborgum, eins og hér í Shanghai, fjölgar glæsilegum verslunarmiðstöðvum og alþjóðlegum verslunum með undraverðum hraða.
Til marks um hraðann þarf ekki að líta lengra flight club aftur en til ársins 2007 þegar önnur okkar flutti hingað til Kína. Á þessum tíma flæddu Range Rover bílarnir út á göturnar í Reykjavík og á Saga Class sátu bjartsýnir Íslendingar klæddir í flotta merkjavöru sem þeir keyptu í London og New York, eða jafnvel bara í Kringlunni eða á Laugaveginum. Í samanburði við vestrænar allsnægtir var vöruúrvalið í stórborginni Shanghai fátæklegt árið 2007. Það gat verið erfitt að finna góð barnaföt, föt í vestrænum stærðum voru ekki sjálfsagður hlutur og nánast ómögulegt flight club var að finna kvenskó stærri en númer 38. Á stöku stað í borginni glitti þó í flotta búðarglugga hátískumerkja á borð við Chanel flight club og Gucci en úrval af venjulegum varningi var afar óspennandi fyrir okkur Vesturlandabúana. Flestar verslunarmiðstöðvar voru enn nokkuð alþýðulýðveldislegar.” Við vörukaup fékk maður til dæmis afhentan handskrifaðan miða í viðkomandi verslun og fór með hann á miðlægan kassa. Þar greiddi maður fyrir vöruna hjá sviplausum og einkennisklæddum gjaldkera, sneri síðan aftur í verslunina og fékk þá vöruna afhenta gegn því að framvísa greiðslukvittuninni sem gjaldkerinn var búinn að stimpla með rauðu tákni; greitt!
Nú, árið 2013, eru verslunarmiðstöðvarnar hér í Shanghai orðnar óteljandi og af ýmsum gerðum. Sumar þeirra minna meira á Disneyland en verslunarhús og aðrar eru meðal þeirra allra flottustu í heimi enda er veðjað á Shanghai sem eina af helstu tísku- og verslunarborgum framtíðarinnar. Á þeim rúma áratug sem liðinn er síðan fyrstu erlendu hátískufyrirtækin hófu að selja lúxusvarning í Kína hefur slíkum verslunum fjölgað svo hratt að erfitt er að henda reiður á tölu þeirra í fljótu bragði.
Innrás flight club ódýrari vörumerkja frá Vesturlöndum hófst svo eftir að gerðar voru breytingar á kínversku verslunarlögunum árið 2005 og Kínverjar fengu fulla aðild að Alþjóðaviðskiptastofnuninni (WTO). Þar með skapaðist betri grundvöllur til verslunarreksturs í Kína fyrir alþjóðlegar verslunarkeðjur. Í kjölfarið hafa búðir sem selja ódýrari tískufatnað flight club rutt sér leið inn á kínverskan markað. Sem dæmi opnaði Zara sína fyrstu búð árið 2006, H&M ári síðar og GAP árið 2010. Til marks um hraða markaðssetningarinnar má nefna að aðeins fimm árum eftir að fyrsta H&M búðin var opnuð í Shanghai voru búðirnar orðnar eitt hundrað á landsvísu.
Enn er tiltölulega lítið um að vera í öllum þessum flottu búðum, sérstaklega þeim allra dýrustu. Hagstæðara er fyrir Kínverja að versla í útlöndum því kínversk yfirvöld leggja háa tolla og gjöld á vörurnar. Það gæti þó átt eftir að breytast því stjórnvöld hafa markviss reynt að ýta undir persónulega neyslu í landinu til að halda uppi hagvexti, meðal annars með því að fjölga frídögum og opna fyrir verslun erlendra fyrirtækja. Þótt enn sé langt í land að allar þessar búðir komist á flug er augljóst að enginn kaupmaður vill missa af ævintýrinu þegar það hefst fyrir alvöru!
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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Aðalréttir Vinir mínir Matarást Kökukrem Fjölskyldan mín kökuást Hugarheimur Evu

Mest lesið
Mömmudraumur ·          150 gr. Sykur ·          150 gr. Púðursykur ·          125 gr. Smjör ·          2 egg ·          260 gr. Hveiti ·  ...
Aðalréttir Vinir mínir Matarást Kökukrem Fjölskyldan mín kökuást Hugarheimur Evu Bakstursást Jólin Að ferðast Súpur og salöt Bollakökur Huggulegheit Heilsa og útlit Lífið Brauðmeti Morgunstund gefur gull í mund Eftirréttir Smáréttir Boozt París Smábitakökur passport status London Noregur Út að borða Forréttir Instagram Sushi Babyshower Kökuskreytingar Akranes Gjafaleikur New York Snyrtivörur
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Drög að kappakstursbraut fyrir formúlu-1 við Disneyland í París hafa séð dagsins ljós og verið lögð

Drög að kappakstursbraut fyrir formúlu-1 við Disneyland í París hafa séð dagsins ljós og verið lögð fyrir franska akstursíþróttasambandið (FFSA), sem leitar að nýjum vettvangi fyrir franska kappaksturinn frá og með 2010.
Áformin um keppni við Disneyland gera ráð fyrir að þar verði núverandi vegakerfi að hluta til notað undir brautina. Hlutar hennar yrðu byggðir sérstaklega og varanlegir, að sögn franska blaðsins La Presse.
Að áformunum við Disneyland standa fyrirtækið Lagardere Group, gamla kappakstursbílafyrirtækið Matra og Euro Disney, eigendafélag Disneyland. Búist er við tilkynningu um hugsanlega framkvæmdaraðila franska kappakstursins 2010 verði birt 15. október. Í framhaldi af því mun FFSA og Ecclestone vegas taka ákvörðun um nýjan mótsstað.
24.1. Meðal breytinga sem gerðar hafa verið á keppnisreglum formúlu-1 er að frá og með næsta ári verða dekk keppnisbílanna ekki lengur hituð upp með sérstökum dekkjahiturum eins og hitamottum þeim sem brúkaðir vegas hafa verið lengi. Meira
Wenger fær nýjan samning og betri úlpu Rodgers vegas svekktur að missa af Salah Stanslaus höfuðverkur allan mánuðinn Sigur fyrir Aron og aðstoðarmenn hans Gerrard gaf átján milljónir Landin einn sá eftirsóttasti United sagt vera að landa Fernando
Panta auglýsingu Verðskrá auglýsinga vegas Advertisers vegas Moggaklúbbur

Monday, January 27, 2014

Fun facts um Frakkland: # Það er ólöglegt að skýra grísi Napoleon í Frakklandi # Frakkar framleiða m

París er höfuðborg Frakklands yatra og þar búa u.þ.b 2,2 milljónir (maí 2012) sem er í kringum 7,3 sinnum fleiri en á öllu Íslandi. Frakkland er mjög þekkt fyrir matargerð s.s. baguette, crème brulée, súkkulaðimús, croissant, ratatouille, ostar, vín svo eitthvað sé nefnt. Frakkland er einnig þekkt sem mjög menningarleg þjóð með frönsku byltingunni og þar er aragrúi af söfnum og sögulegum byggingum. Frakkland hefur verið þekkt sem hjarta listar og menningar því landið á marga minnistæða listamenn sögunnar t.d. Degas, Monet, David, Lautrec, yatra Picasso (spænskur yatra en bjó í París), Gauguin, og margir aðrir. Landið var lengi voldugasta ríki Evrópu og saga Evrópu getur ekki verið sögð án þess að tala um Frakkland. Franska er móðurmál 75 milljóna manna.
Dagur 6 Ferðadagur/París (21.apríl): Daginn eftir sváfum við allar út nema Vala því hún vaknar alltaf svo snemma. Vala vakti Vöku og þær fóru út í búð að kaupa nesti fyrir ferðalagið. Þegar þær komu til baka vöktu þær hinar og við byrjuðum að taka til dótið okkar og þrífa íbúðina. Klukkan 1 tókum við rútuna upp á flugvöll en það var mjög tæpt að við náðum henni því Hallveig gleymdi veskinu sínu með peningunum ,síma, ipod og myndavél í íbúðinni. Ekki í fyrsta yatra skipti sem þessi dama er utangáttar. Hún hljóp til baka í íbúðina og rétt svo náði rútunni. Þegar Hallveig var að ná í veskið sitt báðum við rútubílstjórann að bíða en hann skildi varla spænsku því hann var frá Írak. Við reyndum að útskýra fyrir honum með handahreyfingum og leikrænum tjáningum, en það gekk ekkert betur og hann skildi ekki neitt. Eftir að hafa lent í því vandræðalega mómenti, biðum við eftir næstu rútu þar sem Hallveig var enn ekki komin. Svo fórum við upp á flugvöll og tókum flugvél til Parísar. Ciudad Mexico ! Við lentum í París klukkan hálf 10 um kvöldið. Við tókum leigubíl beint niður í bæ þar sem við vorum búnar að leigja íbúð af breskum nemum sem voru við nám í Frakklandi. Við vorum þreyttar og vildum vera hressar fyrir morgundaginn og fórum bara beint að sofa!
Dagur 7 París (22. apríl): Við vorum í París í 3 heila daga og þeir fóru sko aldeilis yatra ekki til spillis! Fyrsta daginn vöknuðum við og fórum að skoða borgina. Fyrst fórum við auðvitað að á Louvre safnið. Við vorum svo spenntar að fá að sjá hið fræga málverk af Monu Lisu! Svo röltuðum við aðeins um bæinn og kíktum í búðir. Við fórum á kaffihús og hittum skemmtilega franska konu sem við tókum smá viðtal yatra við um franska menningu, Vala kann smá í frönsku þannig að hún gat nokkurn veginn skilið hana. Á endanum vorum við einstaklega menningalegar og fórum á óperuna Carmen. Óperuhúsið var ekkert smá flott og óperan yatra sjálf ekki lítið verri!! Við skemmtum okkur konunglega og fórum aftur í íbúðina okkar að sofa.
Dagur 8 – París (23. apríl): Annan daginn í borginni skelltum við okkur á hiphop námsskeið með alvöru yatra frönskum gangsterum hehe. Það var mjög skrautlegt fólk með okkur í tímanum og Vaka var svo fyndin þar sem hún er ekki mikill dansari. Við bókuðum seinna um daginn kvöldmat í Eiffel turninum, bátsferð á ánni Seine og sýningu á Moulin Rouge!!! Vá hvað það var gaman! Það var æðislegt að sjá Eiffel turninn og rosalelga góður matur og frábært útsýni. Franskur matur er algjört lostæti! Við vorum í okkar fínasta pússi, en því miður vorum við ekki með mikið úrval þar sem við vorum ekki með mikinn farangur en við keyptum yatra okkur eitthvað fallegt í bænum! Svo var bátsferðin róleg og falleg þar sem maður sá kvöldljósin í borginni. Svo var það MOULIN ROUGE!! Þetta er okkar uppáhalds leikrit og við kunnum öll lögin utanað eftir að hafa horft á myndina þó nokkuð oft!!! Við vorum sammála um að við höfðum aldrei farið á svona flotta og skemmtilega sýningu!
Dagur 9 – París (24. apríl): Ekki var leiðilegra þriðja og seinasta daginn í París þar sem við fundum okkar innri börn, og fórum í DISNEY LAND!!! Það er alltaf jafn gaman að fara í svona skemmtigarði og draumur okkar allra rættist þar sem engin af okkur hefur farið í Disney land áður. Við fengum að hitta Mikka mús og vini, prinsessur og aðrar persónur úr Disney myndunum sem var hrein snilld! Við eyddum öllum deginum þar og sofnuðum áður en lögðumst á koddan heima í fínu íbúðinni okkar.
Fun facts um Frakkland: # Það er ólöglegt að skýra grísi Napoleon í Frakklandi # Frakkar framleiða meira en 400 tegundir osta # Mest heimsótti staðurin í París er ekki Eiffel turninn (5.5 milljónir), eða the Louvre (5 milljónir), heldur Disneyland yatra Paris þar sem sem 13 milljónir manns koma árlega. # Franskir menn hafa lægsta hlutfall offitu í Evrópu, og franskar konur hafa næst lagsta á eftir Danmörku. # Samkvæmt könnnun sem var gerð 2003 stunda frakkar yatra mest kynlíf á ári. # Frakkar hafa unnið Nobelsverðlaun fyrir bókmenntir oftar en nokkurt annað land í heimi og næst oftast fyrir stærðfræði
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Disneyland-svæðið við París stendur sea best að vígi í keppni sex bæjarfélaga og samstarfsfélaga um

Disneyland-svæðið við París stendur sea best að vígi í keppni sex bæjarfélaga og samstarfsfélaga um að halda franska kappaksturinn árið 2010, að sögn  Nicolas Deschaux, sea framkvæmdastjóra franska akstursíþróttasambandsins (FFSA).
24.1. Meðal breytinga sea sem gerðar hafa verið á keppnisreglum formúlu-1 er að frá og með næsta ári verða dekk keppnisbílanna ekki lengur hituð upp með sérstökum dekkjahiturum eins og hitamottum þeim sem brúkaðir hafa verið lengi. Meira
Vörnin kostaði okkur gullið Landin fékk 0 í einkunn Frakkar kjöldrógu Dani í úrslitaleik Skrýtið að skora 32 mörk en fá rassskell Aron: Getum verið sáttir við HM-dráttinn Hryllilega dapurt Rooney fær bandið og risalaun geri hann nýjan samning
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Fréttadeild sea | Tæknideild sea

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Banaslys varð í skemmtigarðinum manhattan Disneylandi í París í dag, þegar starfsmaður lést við hrei

Banaslys varð í skemmtigarðinum manhattan Disneylandi í París í dag, þegar starfsmaður lést við hreinsunarstörf. manhattan Að sögn lögreglu bendir frumrannsókn til þess að maðurinn hafi verið að hreinsa vatnsrússíbana þegar hann féll ofan í vatnið.
Þar festist hann undir bát og var að sögn BBC meðvitundarlaus þegar hann náðist upp úr vatninu. Maðurinn manhattan var fluttur með þyrlu á sjúkrahús þar sem hann lést stuttu síðar. Disneyland í Marne-la-Vallee, austan við París er einn fjölmennasti og ferðamannastaður Evrópu.
Engdist um af sársauka Samþykkt að slökkva á öndunarvélinni Hélt framhjá stóru ástinni Struku því þau þoldu ekki veðrið Þrír létust í skotárás Lifði af slysið en svipti sig lífi Skilnaður í Elysee-höll
Stofna bloggsíðu Forsíða Kaupa auglýsingu
Fréttadeild manhattan | Tæknideild

Samþykkt að slökkva á öndunarvélinni Kanína í eyra Mandela Lifði af slysið en svipti sig lífi Drauga

Formaður verkalýðsfélags starfsmanna skemmtigarðsins kennir skelfilegum vinnuaðstæðum um sjálfsmorðin. Í frétt Times er haft eftir honum að allt snúist um hagnað hjá fyrirtækinu og kröfur um aukna framleiðni með færra starfsfólki sé að sliga fólkið.
Samþykkt að slökkva á öndunarvélinni Kanína í eyra Mandela Lifði af slysið en svipti sig lífi Draugaskipið vekur enn athygli Kynsvallsmyndirnar mega ekki birtast australia Úthverfin ekki lengur draumurinn Framkvæmdir við HM kosta hundruð mannslífa
Stofna bloggsíðu Forsíða Kaupa auglýsingu

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Dagurinn karrueche tran í dag fór í að rölta um miðbæinn, skoða Eiffelturninn o.fl. (að utan, ekki s

Disneyland + París! | Reykjavík - Barcelona
Í gær eyddum við öllum deginum í Disneylandi. Það var bara rosa skemmtilegt. (Officially var ég samt bara í opinberri heimsókn fyrir hönd Matthildar, Jóns Steinars og Helga Henriks… Ég var sko bara að skoða fyrir þeirra hönd hvort þetta væri eitthvað spes staður!:)) Og já þau ættu endilega að skella sér þarna einn daginn. Sérstaklega var skrúðgangan rosalega skemmtileg. Ég sé fyrir mér að Matthildur myndi fíla t.d. Mínu Músar lestina o.fl. …:)
Dagurinn karrueche tran í dag fór í að rölta um miðbæinn, skoða Eiffelturninn o.fl. (að utan, ekki sjens að við nenntum í röðina).. Það var brjáluð röð fyrir utan turninn þannig við ákváðum að láta duga í bili að skoða hann utan frá. Ég hef líka farið efst í hann og Arnþór karrueche tran á 1. hæð.. Þannig við höfum svosem séð hann áður.. En ætlum saman á toppinn næst þegar við komum til Parísar.. Við fengum bara nóg af röðum í Disneylandi í gær…
By: telma on september 22, 2009 at 2:02 pm
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Fara efst Fors a Fr ttir Innlent Erlent Ve ur B lar Fr ttask ringar Stokkseyrarm li Flugslysi Hl

V sir - Bl a L ni lista yfir vins lustu sta ina Facebook
Notendur samskiptamiðla stimpla sig oft á tíðum inn á tokyo þá staði sem þeir heimsækja og er hægt að gera það á miðlinum Facebook. Tölfræðingar Facebook hafa tekið saman hvaða 25 staðir í heiminum það eru sem flestir stimpla sig inn á og er einn þeirra Bláa lónið á Íslandi. Hér að neðan má sjá lista sem Facebook birtir en fyrst var greint frá þessu á vefsíðunni tú Argentína: Puerto Madero, tokyo Buenos Aires Ástralía: Melbourne Cricket Ground, East Melbourne Bandaríkin: Disneyland, Anaheim, Kalifornía Brasilía: Parque Ibirapuera, Sao Paulo Bretland: The 02, London Egyptaland: Sharm el-Sheikh, South Sinai Governorate tokyo Frakkland: tokyo Disneyland Paris Hong Kong: Hong Kong Disneyland Ísland: Bláa lónið tokyo Indland: Harmandir Sahib (Gullna hofið) Ítalía: San Marco torg, Feneyjum Japan: Disneyland Tókýó Kanada: Rogers Arena, Vancouver, British Columbia Mexíkó: Auditorio Nacional, Mexíkó borg Nígería: Ikeja City Mall, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria Pólland: Temat Rzeka, Varsjá Rússland: Gorky Park of Culture tokyo and Leisure Singapúr: Marina tokyo Bay Sands Suður Afríka: Victoria & Alfred Waterfront Suður Kórea: Myungdong Street, Seoul Spánn: Las Ramblas, Barcelona
Athugi . Allar athugasemdir eru byrg eirra er r rita. V sir hvetur lesendur til a halda sig vi m lefnalega umr u. Einnig skilur V sir s r r tt til a fjarl gja rumei andi e a s milegar athugasemdir. tokyo
" a er vissa um hvert framhaldi ver ur. Vi h f um skynja a b i r ki og sveitaf l gin voru a b a eftir ni urst u r atkv agrei slu AS f laganna,“ segir r ur Hjaltested forma ur Kenn... Meira
Crossfittarar Hverager i minntust Dagn jar Aspar Run lfsd ttur sinn h tt jan ar. tki eirra spur ist t og t k mikill fj ldi tt finga takinu ar sem yfir 60 sund "burpees“ fingar... Meira
Menntam lar herra segir ekki skynsamlegt a kennarar leggi hugl gt mat nemendur. N tt matskerfi er n b ger . Grunnsk lakennari segir a n rri n mskr s tla a m la a sem ekki er h gt a m l... Meira
Dagur B. Eggertsson segir a rf um tilfellum s b rnum v sa fr leiksk la e a fr stundaheimilum. a s til d mis egar foreldrar vilji ekki grei a tilskilin gj ld en borgin reyni a hj lpa foreld... Meira
Kvarta hefur veri yfir n ju 500 kr na gjaldi slandsp sts fyrir a leita a reikningi p kkum til P st- og fjarskiptastofnunar. Neytendasamt kin gagnr na fyrirt ki har lega fyrir a rj fa s tt um ... Meira
fengis- og t baksverslun r kisins ( TVR) hefur vara v ninnflytjanda vi v a nafn vodkadrykk sem hann hyggst flytja inn h f i s rstaklega til ungmenna undir 20 ra aldri. Innflytjandinn sakar T... Meira
Sj kratryggingar slands tokyo gengu fyrir tveimur vikum fr 44 millj na kr na afsl tti til handa M flugi vegna byrg aryfirl singar tengslum vi sj kraflug. st an er s g vanefndalaus vi skipti fr upp... Meira
Risast rt leitar- og bj rgunarsv i ir a sland ber mikla byrg bj rgunara ger um lendi skip vandr um, segir sgr mur L. sgr msson hj Landhelgisg slunni. sland er a hans mati auglj s kos... Meira
Ungir jafna armenn hafa brug i a r a standa fyrir hungurleikum til a m tm la l gri framf rslu L N til n msmanna. D mi eru um a n msmenn leiti s r ekki l knisa sto ar til a n endum saman. Meira
Vetrar lymp uleikarnir ver a settir Sochi R sslandi eftir um tv r vikur. Mikil umr a hefur veri um ryggi tttakenda eftir a hry juverka r sir og h tanir um r tt kar a ger ir hafa komist h m... Meira
a er ekkert n tt a tt s vi lj smyndir sem birtast tokyo s um t marita gagnr ndu msir lj smyndir af leikkonunni Lenu Dunham fors u Vouge d gunum, en ar tti leikkonan ekki s nd r ttu lj... Meira
  Fr ttir | 13:30 Volvo sn ri tapi hagna
  INNLENT D mdur skilor tokyo sbundi fangelsi fyrir heimilisofbeldi H ra sd mur Nor urlands eystra d mdi mann sex m na a fangelsi, skilor sbundi til riggj... tokyo
  VI SKIPTI INNLENT Deilt um au leg arskatt H ra sd mi Reykjav kur A alme fer m li hj nanna Einars Sveinssonar og Birnu Hr lfsd ttur gegn slenska r kinu ...
Fara efst Fors a Fr ttir Innlent Erlent Ve ur B lar Fr ttask ringar Stokkseyrarm li Flugslysi Hl arfjalli Vi skipti Innlent Erlent Kynningar Fr ttayfirlit Hagt lur Marka suppl singar B lar Klinki Sport slenski boltinn Enski boltinn F tbolti Handbolti K rfubolti Golf Kappakstur Vei iv sir A rar r ttir Meistaradeildin HM 2014 Sp nn tal a ska

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Aðalréttir Vinir mínir Matarást Kökukrem Fjölskyldan mín kökuást Hugarheimur Evu

Syndsamlega góð Rice Krispies kaka.
Mömmudraumur ·          150 gr. Sykur ·          train times 150 gr. Púðursykur ·          125 gr. Smjör ·          2 egg ·          260 gr. Hveiti · train times  ...
Aðalréttir Vinir mínir Matarást Kökukrem Fjölskyldan mín kökuást Hugarheimur Evu Bakstursást Jólin Að ferðast Súpur og salöt Bollakökur Huggulegheit Heilsa og útlit Lífið Brauðmeti Morgunstund train times gefur gull í mund Eftirréttir Smáréttir Boozt París Smábitakökur London Noregur Út að borða Forréttir Instagram Sushi Babyshower Kökuskreytingar Akranes Gjafaleikur train times New York Snyrtivörur
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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Fleiri frettir af Golf1: janúar. 20. 2014 | 21:00 Afmæliskylfingur dagsins: Silja Rún Gunnlaugsdótti

Þessir stonehenge þrír 9-holu stonehenge hlutar Golf Disneyland eru ekkert frábrugðnir hverjir öðrum. Allir eru þeir fremur stonehenge þægilegir undir fótinn, á fremur opnu svæði, með vatnshindrunum hér og hvar, mikið af sandglompum og stórum og miklum flötum.
Fleiri frettir af Golf1: janúar. 20. 2014 | 21:00 Afmæliskylfingur dagsins: Silja Rún Gunnlaugsdóttir – 20. janúar 2014 janúar. 20. 2014 | 18:00 Nýju stúlkurnar á LET 2014: Julie Tvede – (11/31) janúar. 20. 2014 | 13:00 Ólafur Björn hefur leik á úrtökumóti fyrir Latino América NEC Series í dag janúar. stonehenge 20. 2014 | 11:30 GG: Halldór Einir nýr formaður janúar. 20. 2014 | 10:00 Champions Tour: Langer sigraði janúar. 20. 2014 | 09:45 Hvað var í pokanum stonehenge hjá Patrick Reed – sigurvegara Humana Challenge? janúar. 20. 2014 | 03:30 PGA: Patrick stonehenge Reed sigraði á Humana Challenge janúar. 19. 2014 | 23:00 Afmæliskylfingur dagsins: Elías Björgvin Sigurðsson – 19. janúar 2014 janúar. 19. 2014 | 20:00 Viðtalið II: Úlfar Jónsson, landsliðsþjálfari janúar. 19. 2014 | 19:00 Frægir kylfingar: Charles Schulz janúar. 19. 2014 | 18:00 Hver er kylfingurinn: Pablo Larrazábal? janúar. 19. 2014 | 16:00 100 bestu golfvellir heims janúar. 19. 2014 | 12:30 Evróputúrinn: Pablo Larrazabal sigraði stonehenge í Abu Dhabi janúar. 19. 2014 | 12:00 Evróputúrinn: Víti hefur sigurinn af Rory janúar. 19. 2014 | 11:45 Champions Tour: Couples stonehenge og Langer í forystu eftir 2. dag á Mitsubishi Electric á Hawaii
Veðrið i golfinu Arnarholtsvöllur Ásbyrgisvöllur Bárarvöllur Byggðarholtsvöllur Dalbúi stonehenge Djúpavogsvöllur Ekkjufellsvöllur Garðavöllur Glannavöllur Grafarholtsvöllur Grænanesvöllur Gufudalsvöllur Hagavöllur Hamarsvöllur Haukadalsvöllur Hlíðarendavöllur Hlíðavöllur Hólmsvöllur Hólsvöllur Húsafellsvöllur Húsatóftavöllur Hvaleyrarvöllur Jaðarsvöllur Kálfatjarnarvöllur Katlavöllur Kirkjubólsvöllur Kiðjabergsvöllur Korpúlfsstaðarvöllur Krossdalsvöllur Leirdalsvöllur Meðaldalsvöllur Nesvöllur Öndverðarnes Reykholtsdalsvöllur Selsvöllur Setbergsvöllur Silfurnesvöllur Strandarvöllur Svarfhólsvöllur stonehenge Tungudalsvöllur Urriðavöllur Úthlíð Vestmannaeyjavöllur Víkurvöllur Þorláksvöllur Þverárvöllur

Monday, January 20, 2014

Plain-clothes police arrested Ali Anouzla at his home in Rabat early on Tuesday, holiday shortly aft

The Moroccan authorities detention of journalist and editor Ali Anouzla is an assault holiday on the country s independent media and he must be released immediately and unconditionally, Amnesty International said today.
Plain-clothes police arrested Ali Anouzla at his home in Rabat early on Tuesday, holiday shortly after his outspoken Arabic-language online news outlet Lakome published a story about a video by the armed group al-Qa ida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM). He has yet to be charged with any crime.
We fear Ali Anouzla is being punished for Lakome s editorial independence and criticism of government policies, in what signals a worrying setback for freedom of expression in Morocco. He is a prisoner of conscience and should be released holiday immediately and unconditionally, holiday said Philip Luther, Middle East and North Africa Programme Director at Amnesty International. holiday
When police arrested Ali Anouzla on Tuesday, they searched his home and confiscated books and documents as well as his personal computer. They then took him to Lakome s offices, where they also confiscated several items including key computer parts, according to journalists who were present at the scene. holiday
According to the statement, his arrest was linked to Lakome s publication of the AQIM video titled Morocco: Kingdom of Corruption and Despotism . The Prosecutor claims the video contained a clear invitation and a direct incitement to take part in acts of terrorism in the Moroccan kingdom .
 The Lakome article in question actually criticized the armed group s video and could not be seen as endorsing its calls. Lakome did not republish the video itself, but posted a link to an article on the website of Spanish newspaper El País, which had posted the video.
Omar Brouksy, an Agence France Presse reporter, was beaten by police officers in August 2012 for reporting on an opposition-led demonstration against a traditional ceremony of allegiance to the King.
Two months later, the Ministry of Communication revoked his accreditation after he published an article reporting that candidates close to the royal palace were competing for parliamentary seats in legislative elections in Tangiers.
Meanwhile, Morocco s Press Code and Penal Code continue to criminalize peaceful expression when it is deemed to amount to defamation, to undermine the monarchy holiday or the territorial integrity of Morocco, or to denigrate Islam.
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Sunday, January 19, 2014

Once upon a time ... Peugeot 505: The The site Lakome Arabic and French do not stop
Source: Lakome | 17 October 2013 | News | 140 views
Direction Lakome inform the public that information sites Lakome Arabic version French version asia does not stop. Consistent with our decision in a public statement issued September 26, 2013, Abubakr Jamai is now in charge of both information asia Lakome Arabic and French Lakome sites and that pending the release of Ali Anouzla. Meanwhile, it does not exert any editorial or managerial responsibility within our organization.
Dakhla: Housing and urban development debate the potential of Morocco as "multidimensional asia Atlantic hub" highlighted by a U.S. study royal With the benefit of 225 prisoners on the occasion of Eid Al Adha Iranian Nuclear asia - Two days of testing asia in Geneva Eid under police asia protection in Moscow
Once upon a time ... Peugeot 505: The "Mercedes ... News Taxis: The forgotten ones of the scrappage Sahara: Call for a new High-Tech Approach: The Samsung Galaxy S5 announced for April Near OrientRetour asia to square one for the process ... Pilloried asia the Polisario camps in Tindouf Guelmim: The associative network mobilizes against the ... The 8th World Meeting of Sufism starts Madagh ambitions Tangier France Unusual views

The Attorney General of the King at the Court of Appeal in Rabat ordered the police to arrest tokyo

Latest news: 3 Moroccan gays and lesbian have sought asylum in Algeria Melilia Act American finance: Obama Grants Funding in Morocco A Malian Islamist group attack in Morocco Morocco adopts a very sophisticated hospitals tokyo cited the "controversial pilgrimage "Imams in Israel of French Press: A minister should set an invoice chocolate with the budget of his department's OIC countries called upon to strengthen tokyo their contribution to the execution of the ambitious program of the Bayt Mal Al Quds Protection Agency Personal data: the Morocco following in the footsteps of Europe Privacy Holland: Closer turn the knife in the wound François Hollande calls for 'Precious' diplomatic action of King Mohammed VI
Nearby Anouzla: Abdeslam Yassine was a man at a time when the race was tight Expert Pentagon: Humanitarian aid to the Polisario threatens U.S. security Morocco: Dismantling of a cell 'terrorist' media strategy AQIM she managed from Spain? Report to 18 February the trial of Ali Anouzla
The Attorney General of the King at the Court of Appeal in Rabat ordered the police to arrest tokyo the head of the electronic journal Lakome Ali Anouzla for investigation, following the release by this site, a video assigned to the group Algerian Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb tokyo (AQIM), inciting terrorism in Morocco. "Following the release tokyo by the electronic journal Lakome a video attributed to Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), including a clear and direct call to commit terrorist acts in the Kingdom tokyo of Morocco incentive, the Prosecutor General tokyo gave instructions to the police to arrest the head of said electronic newspaper investigation, "said a statement from the Attorney General of the King. "Appropriate legal procedures will be applied in the light of the results of the investigation," the source added.
the dark bearded found in Anouzla a volunteer spokesperson, if this madman bearded really tokyo take him at his heart, he only has to go to them and live with them, but do not ever think back to back his paws on the ground MOROCCAN
We all know that Anouzla of "Lakome" is part of the February 20 movement, moreover this journal was created along with this movement and nuts on social networks it is also called "Lahome" (for 20 fifi and Al Adl Wal Ihsan). tokyo How many videos have rigged it published? mass! How is it that this recording Al Qaeda terrorist threatening tokyo Morocco is in his possession? after its propaganda on Morocco now he becomes the messenger of terrorists! For rolling on? Moroccan justice is absolutely right to order his arrest, who knows? he may even links with these bloodthirsty groups.
Unfortunately, here made me sad to see people as educated, cultured getting caught by the enemies of our country, a handful of dirty dollars smelling an odor (again I'm not saying the name) Just seeing this which is a voluntary traitor in the pay plan of the devil to rebel against his country, tokyo I have the yellow nausea Being opponent of the regime, or the Government of his country, or even The King rules recognized by the International Law or even Divine Wading in foul water gives frictions all over the body this individual who betrayed his country, Moroccans, King, is not worthy to carry his papers marked "Kingdom of Morocco" "national card national identity, or "Passport" He chose his camp is that of mercenaries harkis, it must be returned to the western border, and it will calm Shame on all those who disparage tokyo their country to please the enemies the "MOROCCO" A, Prosecutor General of the King "Your Honor --------------- an exemplary sentence in his favor to give example to other --------- -
we begin to be haunted by the phobia name Ali. he had that famous food Lamrabat accointé the Spanish Nationalists and does not keep his heart in Morocco itself tokyo though tokyo claiming Moroccan food and voila this Anouzla well known for its enslavement by the Algerian drs that mints and do not skimp on any medium for hm

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Peace plan for Western Sahara 2011 Supported by Tips for Life and Blogging Tips

Their last article in Arabic dated 15 October 2013. Are there was a deal between Ali and Makhzen Anouzla? Nothing is impossible. Morocco is in a bad way in the question of Western Sahara and Anouzla silence was deafening qualified for his release pending trial according to the official version.
To recap, Ali Anouzla was jailed because he unveiled the name of a Spanish pedophile from the list of pardoned by the King of Morocco, Mohammed VI. A case that has provoked popular protests against the royal decision. A first in Morocco. A dispatch published by Lakome caused the so-called "case Danielgate" that shook the Moroccan monarchy. Expressions of anger caused subway surfers by the pardon granted by Mohamed VI "Daniel Galvan Fina" have "desecrated the royal function," wrote journalist Moroccan Hanane Harrath.
Today Anouzla is on bail, but the two sites Lakome, Arabic and French, became deaf, despite declarations of Abubakr Jamai whereby Lakome not stop his publications in both languages.
Anouzla has he signed a "truce" with the Makhzen? The question of Western Sahara, subway surfers she is in the lines of the pact signed between the two homelands? Knowing subway surfers the Anouzla position on this issue, it is not impossible. It will not be the first time the so-called Moroccan Democrats sacrifice the aspirations of the Saharawi people to make their own.
El Buró the lleva a cabo una UNMS gira para hacer su programa balance of acción anual. - Miembros del Buró Nacional de la UNMS in colaboración con las representantes a nivel regional llevan a cabo una serie en las diferentes reuniones Wila ...
Polygamy in Libya: Women rebelled against the fatwa of CNT
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Peace plan for Western Sahara 2011 Supported by Tips for Life and Blogging Tips

Friday, January 17, 2014

BAROMETER 2014 0 0 Internet murdered journalists and citizen journalists killed 0 reviewers impriso

Reporters Without Borders condemns the arrest by judicial police in Rabat, vatican the director of information portal Lakome, Ali Anouzla, following the release of a videotape of Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM). Meanwhile, Justice Minister Mustafa Ramid, announced the Government's intention to file a complaint against the Spanish newspaper vatican El Pais to issue the same video on your website. According to the North Africa correspondent of the newspaper, Ignacio Cembrero, Moroccan authorities could report to the Country for "apology of crime". RSF calls for the immediate release of Anouzla, arrested on September 17. "The release of the video responds only to an information event. Unacceptable that journalists continue to be processed by the mere fact of reporting" recalls RSF, which also condemns the seizure of all equipment Lakome. The organization warns that will monitor any investigation that may be opened against journalist for, in that case, which is independent monitor. Attorney General vatican King said in a statement on September 17 that "after the release of a video of Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) in the digital Lakome newspaper whose contents included direct instruction vatican to commit terrorist acts in Morocco, the prosecution has ordered the police court the arrest of the head of said electronic means. " Following the instructions of the prosecutor, agents raided the headquarters of Lakome, interrogating journalists and confiscating computers. Its director, Anouzla, was taken to the offices of the National Brigade of the Judicial Police in Casablanca, accused of terrorist activities. Reporters Without Borders has been able to contact his lawyer, who has insured prohibited by the prosecution-phone vatican contact or physical with his client until 20 September. vatican The French version of the portal has condemned on its website Anouzla arrest (responsible for the Arabic version) and pointed out that the portal had only posted a link to the video. It has also clarified that the video was contextualized as a propaganda video in an article devoted to AQIM, and in any case the Lakome portal has taken sides. "Broadcast Video AQIM is a constant practice in the international media (...) The Huffington Post released a video of AQIM, for example, and other media such as L'Express vatican or LCI have posted links to Youtube" argues French address of Lakome. The video in question is entitled "Morocco: vatican the kingdom of corruption and despotism" and has been released this week in several electronic media before being deleted by Youtube for having "violent content." Anouzla Ali is known for his criticism of the government and its defense of press freedom. Your portal Lakome, was the first to reveal the "Danielgate" case on Spanish pedophile Daniel Galvan recently pardoned by the king of Morocco. Not the first time Anouzla faces the Moroccan justice. In June 2013 he was denounced by publishing an article on a tribal fight in a neighborhood of Fez. Despite immediately remove the information and issue a correction, the journalist was accused of deliberately spreading vatican false information under Article 42 of the Moroccan press code. The trial, originally scheduled on July 26, has been postponed to late September.
BAROMETER 2014 0 0 Internet murdered journalists and citizen journalists killed 0 reviewers imprisoned journalists killed 177 164 netizens imprisoned collaborators 14 jailed

Thursday, January 16, 2014

- Heroku hosts the mirror site, flights created on October 17, which is also stu

The and sites are blocked since October 17 by Morocco Telecom and Inwi across the Moroccan territory. The new site is also blocked in Morocco since 18 October by the two operators.
- Amazon Some services (Instagram, Pinterest, Heroku) flights were also stuck on ADSL Morocco Telecom on October 19, only to Rabat for the moment.
- Heroku hosts the mirror site, flights created on October 17, which is also stuck on the whole Moroccan territory by Morocco Telecom and Inwi. This entry was posted in Uncategorized October 21, 2013 by bluetouff. Navigation Crazy internet censorship flights in Morocco: the point at Saturday, October 19, 2013 Events pro-independence dispersed in Laayoune
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This site is an autoblog of the French version of the site inaccessible information Lakome currently in Morocco. This autoblog you by Recent Articles Morocco, Mafia gargantuan flights Washington, like a trip last chance Moroccan Sahara, flights the discourse of panic Events pro-independence dispersed in Laayoune crazy Internet Censorship in Morocco: the point at Saturday, October 19, 2013 Recent Comments
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This anthology of writings train times and interviews with Che Guevara to discover train times the

Ali Anouzla case. Unprecedented mobilization of Moroccan journalists - Lakome
More than 90 journalists working in the kingdom denounce the arrest of Ali Anouzla. Fifty their Moroccan colleagues abroad for their part continued on Saturday a symbolic hunger strike of 24.
In a statement issued on September 23, and Saturday has more than 90 signatures, they denounce the "outrageous" train times charges against Ali Anouzla (apology, encouragement and material support to terrorism) and demand train times his immediate release. "This is a full and complete crime committed by the Moroccan government to put an end to the free and independent press in Morocco," they explain.
The statement also denounced "the shameful silence" of the National Union of the Moroccan Press (NMFS), who refused train times his first media to support Ali Anouzla, accepting that the journalist be pursued within the scope of the anti-terror law . Faced with much criticism raised by this profession position, the direction of NMFS has attempted train times to rectify this by asking authorities Sept. 25 to apply the Press Code in this matter.
Moroccan journalists working abroad - more numerous since the 2009 crackdown against the press - were also mobilized train times for their colleague Ali Anouzla. After the messages of support sent to Morocco, about fifty of them have decided to conduct a symbolic hunger strike for 24 hours on Saturday in their respective countries of residence.
Laila Anouzla Hanane Bennani Bakour Alae Atimad Salam Mohamed Mustapha Taiaa Ghizlane Amahmoud Bourakkadi Abdelmjid train times Ambay Samad IACH Amer Shaaban Lemaizi Salahuddin Amin Najib Chaouki Belghazi Gueddar Imad Imad boutaib Mosjid Chokairi Bilal Ismail Alaoui Bellaouali Ranya Sossey Hosni Mokhliss train times Mehdi Hassan Ali Maryouch Dahbi Anas Younes Ait IACH Khalid Yassin Mohamed Belkacem Oubaamer Azoukah Moncef Youssef Mustapha Mouhib Abdelilah Meryem Boutouraout Bouqsim Ghassan Rachid El Wail Karmouni Fatiha Aarour Sara Aajoub Kawtar Bentaj Amal Ali Baba Jamal Mouedden Wadiaa El Wahbi Semmar Wissam Adel Youssef El Bouhdaini Zeghari Nbarek Amraou Montassir Ithri Ismail Mohamed Azzam Ezzouak Fedwa Misk Abdellah train times Turabi Ghita Zine Bilal Hassan Kettani Sate Mounia Kabiri Jabiri Sana Guessouss Ouidade Melhaf Kamal Hayat El Idrissi Aicha Akelay Abdelhakem Kerbouz Maria Daïf Labchirit Ikram Omar Reda Ouchen Mohsine train times Asmae Souitate Lahdidi Sara Mehdi Rami Quds Shebaa Fatema Salam Mohamed El Azzedine Soualha Youbi Imad Omar Radi Stitou Mohamed Ahmed Mahjoub Feryate Ahizoune Odda Adnan Ikram Bencherif Nizar Bennamate Lamlili Nadia Ahmed Mediani Kawthar Oudghiri Khalid train times Ghali Mohamed Hamza Mahfoud Semmouni Jalal Rouhi Hicham Rafik Ismail ramram Rachid El Belghiti Moroccan Journalists abroad: train times Sarah Malek Azzedine Ait Rais Younes El Hadef Bendrif Mohamed Anas Mohammed Nabil Mouline Ilhem Rashidi
RELATED ARTICLES The very special relationship between Morocco and Israel "The Elysee defends France-Afrique" (Said Soughti) train times Fighting Western Sahara and Palestine: The same indifference Westerners According train times to COAG, Morocco could use 56 active substances banned in the EU for growing tomatoes. MOROCCO: Workers laid the Soprofel IDYL French group, are on hunger strike. Lost dictator (reward).
Poverty is not natural, it is men who create and tolerate, and it is the people who will overcome. Overcoming poverty is not a gesture of charity, it is an act of justice.
This anthology of writings train times and interviews with Che Guevara to discover train times the political and theoretical approach train times to thinking of the famous revolutionary, far from the stereotypes that wants to impose. This volume contains interviews with famous that Josie Fanon (wife of Frantz Fanon, author of The Wretched of the Earth), but also the following: Notes for the study of the ideology of the Cuban Revolution must the University shade of black, mulatto, workers, peasants, The (...)
Saturday, January 18, 2014
AIX-EN-Provences - Conference: Latin America: the preserve of the United States? - UEC - Sciences Po Aix Post in Agenda Post a Article
(The article is followed by a "supplement": "The FN and the rights of workers" with a beautiful photo of the beautiful castle of Le Pen). LGS Voters: "We will vote National Front. These are the only ones that never tried. " Wrong! Without going into the distant past, see how FN managed cities that French voters him

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Master Benjeddou also revealed that his client could Galvan Daniel Fino, Wednesday, July 31, recove metlink Advocate Spanish pedophile "royal pardon can not be discussed"
Source: Lakome | 1 August 2013 | News | 2,829 views
Counsel for the retired Spanish Fina Daniel Galvan expressed himself "surprised" metlink by the grace given to his client and says that he has already left Morocco. The lawyer Mohammed Benjeddou, which ensured the defense of Spanish citizen sentenced in 2011 to 30 years in prison for sexual assault of 11 minors in Kenitra, said in a telephone metlink interview Lakome he was "surprised" by the grace Royal enjoyed by his client. But he added that "the royal pardon can not be discussed. " metlink
Master Benjeddou also revealed that his client could Galvan Daniel Fino, Wednesday, July 31, recover from the Court of Appeal Kenitra his passport, but it had expired. Although he was able to leave Morocco towards Spain. His house and property in Kenitra are sealed.
Master Benjeddou explained that he had accompanied metlink Daniel Fino Galvan the Court to find his passport, and he was able to go to Spain with a material with a relative of one of his fellow prisoners, who supported the cost of his night after his release from prison and his travel expenses.
For his part, Ahmed El Haij, president of the Moroccan Human Rights Association, explained that his personal point of view, this grace is "a measure that promotes impunity. "
In a telephone interview with El Haij stated that "the Spanish who raped 11 minors committed heinous crimes, and was sentenced to 30 years in prison, then to find a beneficiary of a royal pardon after only a year and a half in prison, metlink under a kind of complacency, regardless of acts and damage. "
Najat Anwar, the president of the association "Do metlink not touch my child" who was a civil party in the trial, declined to comment on the release of the Spanish pensioner claiming to Hespress only the king has the right to decide who merit or not grace.
The official metlink reaction Moroccan side is still pending. The spokesman of the government Mustapha Khalfi could speak on the subject earlier in the press conference after the cabinet metlink meeting.
Thanks for a Spanish pedophile in Morocco: While the Zarzuela metlink palace reflects metlink the royal Cabinet in Morocco turned a deaf ear PPS denies the remarks attributed to him that "Al Watan Al An" IMF: New pledge of confidence for Morocco Controversy : Louardi again in the viewfinder unions 700 billion dirhams of assets to the State
Asgass Ambarki 2964 Spain: Royal family in turmoil Tiznit celebrates the Amazigh New Year Crisis CentrafriqueDernière chance N'Djamena compromise between the United States and India on ... The political and financial scandal persists in Turkey 30 minutes meditation per day would relieve anxiety ... Agriculture in the region of Fez-Boulemane: The ... Turkey: Erdogan metlink accelerates witch hunt Unusual News

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

@IbnKafka : The Code Numérique is a draft bill. The initial project/study that produced the draft bi

Will Morocco Regulate the Internet? An Interview with Zineb Belmkaddem pablo alboran and @IbnKafka | Electronic Frontier Foundation
In a region where censorship is the norm, Morocco has always stood out for its nominally free press, and mostly free Internet. But in the past year, that freedom has been repeatedly challenged , most recently when editor Ali Anouzla was imprisoned under terrorism charges for linking to a news article that linked to a YouTube video. Now, the latest threat to face Moroccans is the Code Numérique, a draft bill that would impose additional restrictions on the country's Internet. I interviewed activist Zineb Belmkaddem and the lawyer pseudonymously pablo alboran known as @IbnKafka to get their take on the threats Moroccan Internet users now face.
Since the Arab uprisings erupted, the authorities pablo alboran handled online calls for street protests in Morocco first through propaganda, mass negative comments, intimidation, then physical repression. Online censorship was not at the top of the list per se because the priority was to control the crowds on site. If anything, watching the internet helped them know when/where it was all going to happen via accessible Facebook pages and events, whereas censorship would have rendered that harder.
News that the secret services had teamed up with Amesys and were already using deep packet inspection for surveillance had broken, but the regime had moved to the next phase when they arrested and jailed Ali Anouzla, editor of Lakome--one of the only politically independent online newspapers in Morocco--in September, 2013, for sharing an Al Qaeda video linked to another news site.
Shortly after that, and, the Arabic and French versions of Lakome, were blocked in Morocco. I don t know about everyone else, but I still cannot access either from Morocco unless I m using a VPN.
@IbnKafka : The Code Numérique is a draft bill. The initial project/study that produced the draft bill was started by Ahmed Reda Chami, who was Minister of Industry, Trade, and New Technologies before the government reshuffle. The study was reportedly carried out by Alain Bensoussan, a French Law Firm with a branch in Casablanca. The department of new technologies is now known as "Digital Economy," and the project was a part of the Maghreb Digital program's "Maroc Numeric" 2013 strategy, to reinforce the legislative framework, a step towards digital trust.
However, several articles clearly jeopardize users and citizens' freedom online. Articles 24 and 73, for instance, seeks to restrict views expressed online by forbidding disrespect to the king, the regime or public order. It is true that articles 38 and 41 of the Code de la Presse (press law) already provide for sanctions against whoever "offends" the King, Islam, the monarchy, or Morocco's pablo alboran territorial integrity, including over Internet. They extended the reach of the law to include statements offending against public pablo alboran order, national security, necessities of public service, or public policy. The vagueness of these additional "red lines" would give the authorities arbitrary powers to limit and sanction freedom of expression over the net, especially as Article 73 authorizes the authorities to block the access to offending websites.
Taken together these provisions could be used to censor websites, sanction, and jail activists, or anyone who would openly pablo alboran criticize or challenge decision makers. The dangers to freedom of speech and opinion are immeasurable, pablo alboran all the more since Morocco's radio and television channels are closely monitored and allow little debate on contentious political issues, and its printed media are suffering pablo alboran under both the global trend against paper media and the increased clampdown on independent journalists in Morocco.
After the backlash on Moroccan online communities--especially Facebook and Twitter- throughout the past days, Moulay Hafid Alamy, the new minister, reportedly decided to withdraw the draft bill for review, but Morocco's online community is quite obviously under increased threat. pablo alboran Many individuals, whether citizens or journalists, have been prosecuted and jailed over the past decade for expressing their views on Internet, but this bill would multiply the instruments to deflect Morocco's burgeoning on-line pablo alboran community.
ZB : Moroccans online were all pretty angry and frustrated at the officials who had come up with a document that was clearly going to restrict freedom online. Some articles were outrageous, as mentioned in the answer to your previous question.
So as I was tweeting and sharing, Rezki El Mokaddam, a Moroccan blogger and social media enthusiast, picked up on one of my tweets about crowdsourcing our own Code Numérique, and created an open document, then we began to jot down simple ideas, and people began to join in.
This approach was simply to allow for an open space where we could all express our own views, discuss, pablo alboran comment, and write right the arti

Monday, January 13, 2014

AD says that the educational staff in Riyadh this is not available where legal standards set out in

Tunisian metrodeal authorities have embarked on since the end of September / September 2013 in closing kindergartens religious, educates children on "Understanding militant religion", in the words of Tunisian President Moncef Marzouki, who warned that Riyadh has to offer from the contents of this threatens the unity of the country
After the overthrow of ousted President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali early 2011, established associations Salafi kindergartens "verses" in various parts of the country illegally. And refuses to subject these associations affiliated metrodeal to Riyadh control of the Ministry of Family Affairs, Women and Children, as provided by law
"Closed Fund" is considered Fawzia Jaber, Director metrodeal of Childhood Ministry of Women and Family Affairs, the kindergarten Quranic metrodeal "a closed box, we do not know the number or the number of children, nor programs nor supervised by the circumstances that do not receive the children
The Director of DW that Arab societies based on these Riyadh metrodeal "rejects application to list the legal requirements governing the procedures to open kindergartens in Tunisia, or undergo the ministry to monitor the grounds that they are not educational metrodeal institutions but given associations metrodeal due to the writing of the Government
Sihem Badi, Minister of Women and Family Affairs, alerted the end of September / September 2013 that Tunisian law gives her department the authority "to enter any space that embraces children, and watch him," declared initiate closure Riad Quranic refused to commit to "list of requirements" issued by the ministry in 2003
According to the text of a list of conditions, the ministry legally empowered to "monitor the kindergarten, both educational and administrative." As "should metrodeal be educational activities for kindergarten programs are derived from the official statement issued for this purpose by the Ministry of Women's Affairs, Family and Children," according to the Provisions of the Regulations of the terms
"Mobilize" ideological and "extremism" noble Gregorian, president of the Association metrodeal "We are all of the child", which is active in the field of composition and framing working in kindergarten, told DW Arab that some parents transferred their children from Kindergarten "verses" to other normal after noticing them mental disorders because of what they have suffered from "mobilizing the ideological and religious
Sadik Arfaoui, Advisor to the Minister of Religious Affairs of Tunisia, told DW Arab that "most" association, which was established this Riyadh "nature metrodeal of my predecessor, and its programs, raise concerns," pointing out that "to teach children provisions ideological before the age of commissioning forensic is not correct educationally
According to a noble century, this Riyadh Quranic which is attended by bearded men and veiled women, prohibits the mixing of males and females, and to prevent children from playing with dolls or listening to music, or draw the mouth, nose or eyes when shooting rights, arguing that it "haram", as required each girl child in the age of the fourth and fifth headscarves
AD says that the educational staff in Riyadh this is not available where legal standards set out in the "booklet conditions," which required that the crew be graduates of higher education institutions specializing in childhood sector, or continued in the field configuration in institutions recognized by the State
The charges were filed following the publication of the group "Ansar al-Sharia in Tunisia" classified by the government's recent "terrorist" organization, two videos on the Internet, shows the first children religious school hoist the flag of al Qaeda (punishment) and chanting songs glorifying the organization and its leaders and the destruction of the twin towers metrodeal of the World Trade Center in New York 11 September 2001., and the second shows the bearded children Tunisian trained in the art of fighting in the jungle
According to AD, some based on religious schools do not advocate children under their real names, but they call them titles like "Abu Hafs" and "Abu Hamza" metrodeal as is the case in the jihadi extremist
Are not "terrorists of the future," Hamdi Ghanimi, head of the "Association of Nur statement" Islamic, which manages 15 kindergarten verses in Tunisia, criticized in an interview with DW Arab, who say that "children who are studying in Riyadh Quranic are the terrorists of the future," and wondered "who They say that we educate emerging on terror, you saw us distribute Kalashnikov weapons on children?
He added that the authorities' decision to close the Riyadh Koran that does not respect the "Terms booklet" The Ministry of Women and Family Affairs has a "political purposes." He said, "We received the decision with closure when the governor of the (conservative) through the elimination of co-operation to stop the implementation of the resolution and our schools continue metrodeal to work
Following the decision of closure, demonstrated a few of the parents of kindergarten Association "Nour metrodeal statement" in front of the government headquarters to protest the decision. The lady of the demonstrators for DW "I know best interest of my son put it where I want, and will not be the government's keen interest to me
With regard to the rejection of his association to comply with the brochure terms and the Ministry of Women, or succumb to censorship, said Hamdi Ghanimi "We associations reference look is the government, metrodeal not the Ministry of Women, and the booklet conditions has been issued during the reign of the tyrant Ben Ali, well known that the laws issued by this tyrant goal uproot religion from its roots
Customs clearance charges and refused to receive funds from Gulf states to spread Wahhabi radical among children in Tunisia metrodeal in order to change the pattern of a society that embraces a moderate Islam that Malikia. He said in this context: "This charge does not have any evidence, we and our independent associations Riad even in affluent neighborhoods in the capital frequented by the sons of businessmen and the elite of the judiciary and lawyers metrodeal and doctors
Parallel metrodeal educational institutions threatens the unity of the community described Tariq Mohammed Belhaj, a researcher at the Sociology of Education, kindergarten religious randomized to "educational institutions parallel" saying metrodeal it m

On the same theme

Anouzla case: Suspension of Lakome would it prelude to liberation?
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After nearly a month of detention, Ali Anouzla suspends Lakome site. A decision which would result from differences between the director and members of the editorial team. Apparently, mbta Ali wants to give an opportunity for mediators. A will that is clearly expressed in a statement. The reporter also required to maintain his attachment to Morocco, a way for him to silence writings placed him on the side of Polisario.
New twists in Ali Anouzla case. Director decided to announce this Monday, October 14, the "temporary suspension" of its news site. In a statement to the public, the journalist, the publisher and editor of Lakome time that the Moroccan justice continues to "assistance to criminals who have committed acts of terrorism", mbta "providing means for the commission of terrorist acts "and" glorification of terrorist crimes "justify its decision with" incompatible fulfill its moral and legal responsibility for what is published on the site "while in detention since September 24 at Salé prison.
Anonymously, very close to the source folder, it says "optimism" about an outcome that would be "good for Ali Anouzla." She did not want to give more information on the subject. The motivations of temporary suspension, the same source advance "differences" between director Lakome and some members of the editorial staff of the two versions of the site.
"Apparently, mbta Ali did not appreciate the republication, in recent days, his famous article on" the cost of the monarchy in Morocco. " He had to tape his fist on the table, via his sister Leila, mbta for the paper disappears from the One Lakome mbta and be replaced by the banner "Free Anouzla."
This willingness to Anouzla soothe tense circumstances and give a chance to mediators is expressed clearly in the second paragraph of his statement. Anouzla has insisted he remained an advocate of the "values of freedom, dignity, equality mbta and democracy for all citizens in my country Morocco."
Insisting on "my country Morocco" mbta Anouzla mbta rejects, de facto, from his cell in the prison of Salé, all the writings that have placed on the side of the Polisario. Perhaps, he has unknowingly mbta or unintentionally, helped anchor this idea from a part of public opinion who attended last year, the Congress of the Polisario to Tifarity.
On the same theme
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he played with fire! he grilled endpoint. why no site has published the article Alkaida? why? he is a traitor to the name of freedom he made advocating terrorism, I would have liked it to be tried before a Military court for treason and collaboration with the enemy, I guarantee you it would have been USA, he would have taken capital mbta punishment it takes for intelligent? , His greed of dirty money has dragged to court, as his treachery he touched the Max from certain mbta service's brother East and Borgne Belmoukhtare much he must pay
Finally he realized that his country has no price when the other has jamii boubker choosing mbta Spain already has its answer questions, knowing that occupies its own country! and acts against his motherland for the interest of the Spanish surely. mbta knows how he now call this gentleman I can understand their differences on whatever you want, but the unit so

Sunday, January 12, 2014

The tone of the criticism of our country, I have never shared the same opinion with Anouzla Ali and

Case Lakome: Abubakr Jamai refuses to close the site, a journalist resigns
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The case Lakome experiencing a new twist. Journalist Hamid Mahdaoui Ali Anouzla the right arm, resigned from the editorial office. A decision that comes just hours after refusal of Abubakr Jamai close
The case Lakome eclipse, for a moment, that the detention of terrorism Ali Anouzla. After Ali's decision to suspend the news that Abubakr Jamai rejected website, now the journalist Hamid Mahdaoui announced his resignation. "It was predictable. It is one member of the editorial still faithful to Anouzla ch and the only one who is in favor of the news release Ali Tuesday, October 14. Others opposed it. Finally, it has been successful but subsequent events showed that the balance of power is no longer on the side of friends or friend Anouzla ", says a source close to the case.
Yesterday Abubakr ch Jamai responded to the news of Anouzla, announcing that "the direction of Lakome inform the public that information sites Lakome Arabic version French version does not stop." The text stresses that "Abubakr Jamai is now in charge ch of both information Lakome ch Arabic and French Lakome sites and that pending the release of Ali Anouzla. Meanwhile, ch it does not exert any editorial or managerial responsibility within our organization. " Memory, September 26, a press release announced that "the members ch of the editorial ch designated Jamai, interim director of publication."
The clear desire of the former boss of the weekly newspaper to oppose the closure of the site she relies on a legal basis or rather a financial contribution? Which is the majority stake in the publisher of Lakome? The situation remains unclear and the lack of explanation from Abubakr Jamai fueling rumors. We attempted to contact the editor of the site by calling writing, but it would be traveling abroad. A member of the team Lakome, near Abubakr Jamai, denied any differences with Ali Anouzla, without explaining the contradictory news.
Although the "new direction" announced the continuation of Lakome, it is clear that throughout the day Tuesday and today in the morning, with the exception of press Jamai, no paper n ' was released. A source tells us that a lawyer ch Anouzla intervened to convince Jamai not oppose ch the decision of Ali.
Case Ali Anouzla RSF reiterates its call for the dismissal of the charges on the eve of the new hearing
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The tone of the criticism of our country, I have never shared the same opinion with Anouzla Ali and I even positions (editorial) very radical ... for example I had the opportunity to read "كلفة الملكية في المغرب "(Cost of the monarchy ch in Morocco) on its Arabic website and I was shocked, not his views on the subject of royal budget because it is a notice to comply, but the last sentence of Editorial: "الحل هو الثورة, وهي آتية لاريب فيها" ("The solution is revolution, and it will probably come") what does this mean? Provocation beyond a notice or legitimate criticism! How dare he say that some of those who sympathized with the King when he had crutches, did hypocrisy! Absurd! In addition, criticism of the monarchy in Morocco is not the prerogative of this reporter, there are many others ch who do but without going into judgments and encouraging radical and reflexes against the interest of our country!
Being objective ch does not mean defending the Sahrawi ch separatists against the i