Monday, January 13, 2014

On the same theme

Anouzla case: Suspension of Lakome would it prelude to liberation?
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After nearly a month of detention, Ali Anouzla suspends Lakome site. A decision which would result from differences between the director and members of the editorial team. Apparently, mbta Ali wants to give an opportunity for mediators. A will that is clearly expressed in a statement. The reporter also required to maintain his attachment to Morocco, a way for him to silence writings placed him on the side of Polisario.
New twists in Ali Anouzla case. Director decided to announce this Monday, October 14, the "temporary suspension" of its news site. In a statement to the public, the journalist, the publisher and editor of Lakome time that the Moroccan justice continues to "assistance to criminals who have committed acts of terrorism", mbta "providing means for the commission of terrorist acts "and" glorification of terrorist crimes "justify its decision with" incompatible fulfill its moral and legal responsibility for what is published on the site "while in detention since September 24 at Salé prison.
Anonymously, very close to the source folder, it says "optimism" about an outcome that would be "good for Ali Anouzla." She did not want to give more information on the subject. The motivations of temporary suspension, the same source advance "differences" between director Lakome and some members of the editorial staff of the two versions of the site.
"Apparently, mbta Ali did not appreciate the republication, in recent days, his famous article on" the cost of the monarchy in Morocco. " He had to tape his fist on the table, via his sister Leila, mbta for the paper disappears from the One Lakome mbta and be replaced by the banner "Free Anouzla."
This willingness to Anouzla soothe tense circumstances and give a chance to mediators is expressed clearly in the second paragraph of his statement. Anouzla has insisted he remained an advocate of the "values of freedom, dignity, equality mbta and democracy for all citizens in my country Morocco."
Insisting on "my country Morocco" mbta Anouzla mbta rejects, de facto, from his cell in the prison of Salé, all the writings that have placed on the side of the Polisario. Perhaps, he has unknowingly mbta or unintentionally, helped anchor this idea from a part of public opinion who attended last year, the Congress of the Polisario to Tifarity.
On the same theme
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he played with fire! he grilled endpoint. why no site has published the article Alkaida? why? he is a traitor to the name of freedom he made advocating terrorism, I would have liked it to be tried before a Military court for treason and collaboration with the enemy, I guarantee you it would have been USA, he would have taken capital mbta punishment it takes for intelligent? , His greed of dirty money has dragged to court, as his treachery he touched the Max from certain mbta service's brother East and Borgne Belmoukhtare much he must pay
Finally he realized that his country has no price when the other has jamii boubker choosing mbta Spain already has its answer questions, knowing that occupies its own country! and acts against his motherland for the interest of the Spanish surely. mbta knows how he now call this gentleman I can understand their differences on whatever you want, but the unit so

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