Sunday, December 8, 2013

Many have written on this blog about the Trinity-God the Father-Son of God-the Holy Spirit. This Tr

Many have written on this blog about the Trinity-God the Father-Son of God-the Holy Spirit. This Trinity could itself act as if spontaneously. It remains, havan however, a fourth element - that the Mother havan of God, or Gaia, which belongs to the element of wody.Piątym element is the same man. Seas and oceans are as many as 71% of the Earth and the human body also consists havan in about 70% water. You could also try to assign the "divine persons" phase of the Zodiac. In this case, God the Father havan is Capricorn, Aquarius Holy Spirit-Jesus Christ-Sagittarius. We are dealing here with the finger of God, the antenna fall in Sagittarius and Aquarius phases and phase lightning havan arrester Cancer. The field destruction of the Finger of God is the phase of the ibex. Here is Chronos-Time-God the Father. Subconsciously, we feel that it is our limit-time orders, prohibitions, which are allowed to do, which is not lawful to do - matter. Not for nothing Saturn has rings and not for nothing is Saturn was the last planet havan they knew ancient Exploring Uranus in the eighteenth century wyrwaliśmy with shackles and rings of Saturn. Eighteenth and nineteenth century became the century the use of new energy-steam electricity. Before the Roman pantheon of gods began to manage Jupiter Jupiter before the pantheon managed Janus-god with two faces, one facing the past and the other in the future. Slavic counterpart Janus was Świętowit Jesse. Interestingly, Janus and Jesse were called gate - had a key to other worlds.
In times of a new era gate was also called Jesus Christ. The name Jesus means also Issa Jesse Yeshua that is also linked to a kind of gateway (salvation). This key is love, which "opens the door to the kingdom of heaven," which sounds in today's language as somehow cause vibration of Love "zelżenie" matter and synchronicity vibration of the body and Human spirit and Space (Man ignites the fire of love from the inside - Light). Before us the time of Aquarius, Uranus time. There should be a time of cable and cellular networks, or the Internet, but the time of mutual empathy and telepathy and other galactic travel by teleportation or light body-whether it be up to us. It is also important lightning protection Finger of God, who is "immersed" in the Gai-mother-earth she is the most important and she is the only feeder havan of beings called man, because man should never choose life in the virtual world of Life in the Gardens of Mother Earth.
November 22, 2013 at 21:25
Early December is a time of a typical autumn weather with quite a lot of sun, but the mists and zamgleniami occurring throughout the country, with a moderate wind conditions. Day temperatures havan substantially above 0 C with the possibility of double-digit temperatures. After 05.12. still warm, even very warm for December, with the possibility of increasing wind strength. By the end of the decade rather without extremes of weather, unless positive. December 10 may be the stronger wind.
From the beginning of the decade, predicting growth rate of atmospheric phenomena and begin a period of entering into a state of winter (cool), it can not very sharp, but with more widoczniejszymi its symptoms. Full winter weather across the country atmosphere reached on 15-16-17 December. During this time could specifically to throw the snow with the strong growth of wind, with temperatures as daytime and night below 0 oC Approx. December 18 growth of wind power very strong.
At this time, observe, especially from 22.12. deepening of the winter weather, resulting in much lower temperatures to double digits, including as day and night. Declines temperatures will be combined with the wind. Since the mid-decade, the dynamics of the atmosphere will gradually rise to strong winds and very strong. Continuous growing strength of the wind especially 31.12. and 01.01. and 02.01. 2014 years can cause cataclysms and disasters with serious repercussions on economic and social problems.
Year 2014 is the beginning of the Little Ice Age-cyclical atmospheric phenomenon resulting from the so-called. nutation axis solar gravity caused the planets of the solar system. The effects of these climatic nutation occurring every 200-210 years in the historical past were listed as the myths of the flood, the biblical prophecies of Joseph of seven fat years and seven lean, the plagues of Egypt is a consequence of the MEL, not miracles of Moses. In times more recent historical examples of MEL, this time Polish-Russian wars of the turn of the sixteenth havan and seventeenth centuries, or the period of the Napoleonic Wars. The duration of MEL and its consequences up to 20 years old, deepen their impact may occur if the alignment of the peak of MEL smaller astronomical havan phenomena which are nutation (twitch) havan Earth's axis caused by the gravity of the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in at about 20 years.
Nutation Nostradamusowi Earth's axis were used for the preparation of a catastrophic series havan of Centuria, where the nature of the phenomena based on n

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