Saturday, October 5, 2013

Κάθε μέρα παίρνουμε σημαντικές αποφάσεις, και πολύ συχνά βασιζόμαστε winsor mccay σε ειδικούς για να

Κάθε μέρα παίρνουμε σημαντικές αποφάσεις, και πολύ συχνά βασιζόμαστε winsor mccay σε ειδικούς για να μας βοηθήσουν να αποφασίσουμε. Σύμφωνα όμως με τη οικονομολόγο Νορίνα Χερτζ, εάν βασιζόμαστε πολύ στους ειδικούς, μπορεί να αποβεί περιοριστικό, ακόμη και επικίνδυνο. Μάς καλεί να εκδημοκρατίσουμε την εξειδίκευση, να μην συμβουλευόμαστε μόνο "χειρουργούς και διευθυντές, αλλά και το προσωπικό των καταστημάτων".
About Noreena Hertz Noreena Hertz looks at global culture -- financial and otherwise -- using an approach that combines traditional economic analysis with foreign winsor mccay policy trends, psychology, winsor mccay behavioural economics, , anthropology, history and sociology.
Why you should listen to her: For more than two decades, Noreena winsor mccay Hertz’s economic predictions have been accurate and ahead of the curve. In her recent book "The Silent Takeover," Hertz predicted that unregulated markets and massive financial institutions would have serious global consequences while her 2005 book "IOU: The Debt Threat" predicted the 2008 financial crisis. An influential economist on the international stage, winsor mccay Hertz also played an influential role in the development of (RED), an innovative commercial model to raise money for people with AIDS in Africa, having inspired Bono (co-founder of the project) winsor mccay with her writings. Her work is considered to provide a much needed blueprint for rethinking economics and corporate strategy. She is the Duisenberg Professor of Globalization, Sustainability and Finance based at Duisenberg School of Finance, RSM, Erasmus University and University of Cambridge. She is also a Fellow of University College London.
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Ελλάς - End National Debt
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