Friday, October 4, 2013

The Alvin Holm is Professor of Architecture in Pensylvania and lover of ancient Greece. Actuates ou

The Alvin Holm is Professor of Architecture in Pensylvania and lover of ancient Greece. Actuates our country to speak at a conference in Samothrace themed "Kabeiria Mysteries," talked about the invisible forces that hides inside the ancient architecture and the effect they have on the psyche and in our body the ancient temples. "The ancient temples, involve God" Alvin Holm: "The temples contain God or Goddess in one way or another and affect us as with a musical instrument, a muffled msc level. Resonance of the earth conductor finds the columns which act like batteries. These in turn produce a kind of energy and affect us without us knowing it. When one approaches between these columns can feel the tension. Could you close your eyes and go between msc columns knowing that something is happening. There is a general assumption that this treatment centers even if there Asclepeion. Here occurs the treatment, whether it be mental, spiritual, physical. near to temple is not necessary to enter inside. Just stand in front of or next to the church, or rather between the columns and you will feel the turbulence inside your body translate into harmony. " The secret of the sacred geometry Alvin Holm: "The temples are located at specific msc points. Not every place suitable. Places where energy is perceived by the hypersensitive soul. Temples are constructed to reinforce these actions. Nowadays, although not I'm the only one who thinks in this way, although I apply these principles to the temples, it seems to me that this is a very low resonance of about 8 hertz. 7.9 hertz very low level below the threshold of perception obtained only from body and only subconsciously. " How do you recognize the ancient Greeks the sacred places strength Alvin Holm: "Long before the Greeks mankind in every part of the world understood that some rocks were vertically mounted significantly. Putting hands around them understood their energy. The great contribution of the Greeks was to optimize and determine these proportions as those of the violin Therefore there is no improvement in the temples of the 4th-5th century. was so pretty, well there was room for improvement. Moreover, this is reflected down to mathematics. msc " Why do I feel weird in ancient places of worship; Alvin Holm: "Some responsibility lies with the location. Are there particular locations around the world such phenomena occur and many of them are not marked msc with temples, others msc with stone circles. The Greek again to success msc optimize them. It is no longer for sound asmileftous stones on the ground but a battery rocks. This ancient valuable knowledge is mainly attributed to Pythagoras why many argue that studying prior knowledge, while some others say that knowledge came from the Mediterranean and then dispersed. Others speak of knowledge came from the north. Yet this knowledge clearly msc surpasses mankind. success however remains that these people were able to understand the order of the universe and how it breathes, msc the pace of land. " arxaia-ellinika

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