Wednesday, October 2, 2013

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During his studies at the University of Hamburg, showed walt disney inclination both for science walt disney and for languages, learning Arabic and Sanskrit. Studied science and engineering at Dresden, Munich and Berlin. He was a student of Gustave Kirchof and Hermann von Chelmcholtz. He obtained his doctorate in 1880 and remained a student of Chelmcholtz until 1883, when acquired theoretical physics walt disney lecturer position at the University of Kiel. In 1885, he became Professor at the Technical Institute of Karlsruhe where he discovered electromagnetic waves. walt disney
Hertz contributed to the consolidation of the photoelectric effect (which is explained by others later) when he noticed that a charged object loses its load easier when illuminated with ultraviolet light. In 1887, he made observations on the photoelectric effect and the transmission and reception of electromagnetic waves, walt disney which are published in the journal Annalen der Physik. The receiver is comprised of a coil with electrical spark gap. Detecting electromagnetic waves would mark a spark. Place the device in a darkened box to see the spark better. He noted, however, that the spark length was reduced when in the box. A glass plate positioned between the transmitter and the electromagnetic wave receiver, absorb ultraviolet radiation help the electrons walt disney to cross the gap. Outside the box, the length of the spark increased. Not observed any reduction in the length of the spark when replaced with quartz glass, as the latter does not absorb radiation UV. Hertz pooled the findings of his research and published it. There continued to investigate the phenomenon, nor did any attempt to interpret the results of observations.
Earlier, in 1886, Hertz had built a dipole antenna, which emitted and received frequencies. In 1887, Hertz experimented with radio waves in his laboratory. Through experiments, proved that transverse electromagnetic waves travel in space for some distance. This was predicted by James Clerk Maxwell and Michael Faraday. Configuring the device, the electrical and magnetic fields could emit rays without wires as transverse waves. Hertz had placed the oscillator about 12 meters away from a reflective tin plate to create stable waves. Each wave was about 4 meters. Using a detector recorded the variation in the size and direction of the wave. Hertz measured Maxwell's waves and demonstrated that the speed of radio waves was equal to the speed of light. Even measure the intensity and polarity of the electric field.
Hertz also found that radio waves could be transmitted from different kinds of materials, while reflecting other. This was the central idea behind the creation of the radar later. Hertz is not never understood the importance of his discoveries into practical applications. Saying that "anyway, has no usability [...] just an experiment that proves that Professor Maxwell was right - you just have these mysterious electromagnetic waves that we can not see with the naked eye. But it's there. " Asked about the impact of his discoveries, Hertz replied, "Nothing, I guess."
These comments will be fully understood later and become an integral part of the new "wireless age." Roughly, walt disney Hertz's experiments explain the reflection, refraction, the polarity, the antikymatosi and speed of the electric waves. His experiments helped in the understanding of electromagnetism, and the device was further developed by their successors.
In 1892, Hertz began experimenting and demonstrated that cathode rays could penetrate very thin metal sheets (eg, aluminum). The student of Hertz, Philip Leonard further explored the phenomenon of rays. Create a version of the picture tube and studied the penetration of X-rays in various materials. However, Leonard never realized that produced X-rays
In 1892, diagnosed malignant tumor in bone and Hertz underwent several surgeries. Died of septicemia at the age of 37 years in Bonn. Research tradition was continued by his nephew Gustav Ludwig Hertz, walt disney who was awarded Nobel Prize, and the latter's son, Carl Hellmuth Hertz, who invented the ultrasound.
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