Monday, February 9, 2015

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After over a month of preparation and thinking lonely planet about what life will be like out in Oman, I'm finally here! Cyrrhaeddais to 4 days back to Dubai and then someone came and met us at the airport and drove us up to Dibba, where I lived for the next seven months. From the start it was very different was the temperature. lonely planet Rhywbedd I was expecting but it is impossible disgrfio how hot is it ALL THE TIME. Currently we expect the temperature is 40C most good but in summer it can reach over 50C! I'm here to work for company activities open so I'll be out in the open for most of the time and will avoid the sun is very difficult. lonely planet The only solution is to drink plenty of water, trying lonely planet to stay in a shelter (especially midday) and in the end, getting used to the temperature.
Fortunately there are Air Conditioning lonely planet in my house at night so sleep is easy and cooler somewhere to eat lunch when the temperature rises noon. But to tell you the truth it feels odd to compare small and Winter in Wales. Usually you're walking out of the house warm and pull your coat your directions around ready for the cold outside. But this is completely different. You're walking out odd cold air to warm.
The beach is also nothing like home. Last time I went to Southerndown in September the weather was amazing. Rains glaed very, wind hit my face and water is cast as waves against the rocks. I went into the water but could not swim - just stand while the waves move a few meters lonely planet is such a level higher. About a quarter of an hour on the beach, and then we went to the pub for the rest of the afternoon. I live here in Dibba minutes to ffwrth of beautiful beach. The sea is warm, there is no huge waves so it is lovely to swim in and there's no wind hitting everything in your face. After finishing work for the day there is time to go swimming while the sun sets behind the mountains before going for tea community lonely planet with everyone else who works here. Thursday we did not finish work earlier than usual so we walked down to the end of the beach where it was no more coral and life to go Snorkelling.
At the moment I'm doing a first aid course which lasts 4 days and then I'll try every activity available here before starting any kind of real work. I heyfd've been too busy to draw any pictures but do it soon :) or
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