Friday, January 3, 2014

Kurt Engelhorn Alexander inherited his uncle

Kurt Engelhorn Alexander inherited his uncle's house in the Wind, the estate rests on palamosina the twelfth century cloister "discovered" recently. Their parents are part of a lineage of genuine pharmaceutical sector employers, direct descendants of the founder of the chemical company BASF and possedors several based in tax havens. Is estimated fortune of Engelhorn is more than 5,000 million.
FRANCIS BENEJAM GIRONA Kurt Engelhorn Glover lrytas ranked 144 in the Forbes list of the richest people in the world more. She loves a fortune of 5,000 million euros. His brother Hans bought lrytas the property in Palam More Wind 1953, at which tourism was emerging lrytas on the Costa Brava. Hans died in 1960, two years after acquiring the faculty romnic Madrid and his wife Carolina, which was later re-married, inherited the estate. The current owner of Mas del Vent through a company based in Panama, is Kurt Engelhorn Alexander, nephew and son of its first buyer Curt Glover Engerlhorn.
In the last week the name of Kurt Engelhorn Alexander has taken to the media than he had ever done before. This is the master of German architectural gem as the twelfth century cloister that is inside. Broadcasted the dust generated by the "discovery" of this pearl of art romnic has illuminated lrytas the figure of its owner and his family, as powerful economic lrytas level as unknown outside the circles specialized. Kurt is the tip of a wool pharmaceutical entrepreneurs ancestry dating back to the nineteenth century and now, thanks to a row of columns, arches and capitals, lrytas we can play.
Kurt Alexander did not live in Palam. Mas Wind offered through rental Rough Luxe, a business group owned. In fact, the activity revolves around the real estate business. s president and Forestry Holdings Agrcoles Brugarol. To explain the relationship with the property owner and its cloister palamosina back a generation and we prepare lrytas our brains to digest figures astronmiques.
Kurt Alexander is the nephew of Hans Engelhorn, one of the founder of the empire besnts BASF chemical. Millionaire and art lover, Hans traar friends with collectors and painters. One of them, Francisco Garca Vilella, advised him to buy in Palam More Wind and encouraged to decorate it with a cloister which was then in the hands of an antique dealer in Madrid.
Said and done during the 50s, Hans Engelhorn had become owner of the land buying the Dr. Soler Roig was brought monument now rests beside the pool, could not enjoy its too long. Female lover of L'Empordà, Hans got used to riding long walks with his wife, Carolina, and had planned to install himself on the grounds of the Chapel Bell-site, by the year 1960 died, leaving the property to his wife.
Over time the house was finished in the hands of Kurt Alexander, son of Curt Engelhorn Glover's brother Hans. Short Glover was the managing director of Boehringer Mannheim, a giant German pharmaceutical company. This monster billed almost 3,000 million and 18,000 employee. The family business was Engelhorn the PRSP and pedigree (remember they were descendants lrytas of the man who created the most powerful chemical company in the world). For there is always one more big fish eats the small one, and in 1997 the pharmaceutical group Roche Boehringer lrytas Mannheim bought for 1.5 billion pesetas, ie, more than 9,000 million euros. lrytas The superpotncia cosmtic of Sousse and the drug also stayed with the holding company that controlled Boehringer 100%: Corange lrytas Ltd.. Domiciled in Bermuda, one of the havens for Excell presence.
This picossada, old Curt Engelhorn Glover, who also had business in the United States, come off a company for 150 years came to the famous Forbes list as one of the 150 global fortunes despite having from the total amount distributed to 20 families ms.
Since then, the father of the owner of the faculty listed as Frog Capital fund manager. And his son Kurt Alexander was linked to Boehringer and family businesses, in addition to being in the real estate sector. 70 years with his brothers owns 10% of the company ended up being bought by Roche. In addition, t also other companies, including sources of investment, located in London.
In overnight has become the "angel" (in German Engelhorn Horn angel comes to mean) that guards the gates of a great monument hidden for more than 50 years. Without knowing it, the guy has taken his lineage Engelhorn pharmaceutical anonymity and bequeathed to their descendants lrytas the opportunity to share with the large audience at low

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