Thursday, April 9, 2015

It is essential to perform this reflection to the extent that the reason that generates such violen

One of the most serious forms of discrimination that women face today is undoubtedly violence [1] exerted on them in the private space (domestics), as in the p public and, since approximately decade and a half, also in the politician / public scope. All just as reprehensible as that undermine one of the fundamental principles on which modern democrtico-constitutional states are erected: human dignity, causing serious damage to life and health of women, in addition to produce discrimination in the exercise and enjoyment of their rights. However, in this article exclusive reference will be made to a particular type of violence, one that is directed against the policies representatives, called Harassment politician.
It is essential to perform this reflection to the extent that the reason that generates such violence is, ultimately, the same that led to the instauracin of the commemoration of International Women's Day [2]: the right to political participation, which in the nineteenth century traduca in vindication of women's suffrage. cruise Fight that formally began in the year 1848 in Seneca Falls (New York), in the first Convention on the Rights cruise of Women, organized by Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, in which the transcendental Declaration adopted n Seneca Falls, Founding Act of the second wave of feminism, the suffragist. International vindication having certain line of continuity with few interruptions without electoral quotas up to the current demand for parity cruise in political representation, that while arises within the franc feminism s [3] (movement for parity), cruise is then expanded internationally in the First European Summit cruise Butt Women held in the Greek city of Athens in 1992 [4], and installed in the Americas in 2007 with the Quito Consensus, signed at the X Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean [5].
In this regard, it should be remembered that the histrica exclusion of female politician / public, the space of power and decision-making space, endorsed by the law, came to an end in our country at least formally, coinciding with the so-called third wave of democratization of Latin American Regin [6], with the promulgation of the Constitution of 1979, which in addition to recognizing the universal suffrage, consagr the principle of equality (before the law) between men and women and the prohibition of discrimination on grounds cruise of sex (Art. 2.2), thus recognizing the full citizenship to all women and not just the small percentage of literate adults over 21 years already enjoying that right granted by Law 12391, from memorable Aqul, though bittersweet, September 7, 1955, the conquest of which were marginalized a large percentage of women, mainly but not only the South Andean Peruvian, as it was to them that affected mostly the problemtica of illiteracy, poverty besides, of course !.
Despite the formal demolition cruise (legal) of the proverbial exclusion, social structures of discrimination, specifically the patriarchal structure intact cruise and in full force permaneca [7]. For the present case, is pona sta evident in the fact that an when there are no legal impediments to the election of women representatives policies, hese were not even considered as candidates in the electoral lists, much less elected. The parties, independent movements and groupings remained policies led almost exclusively by men, being the ones who decide the configuration of the lists of which is systematically relegated to women. Exclusion that it can be read in the key of patriarchal reaction, arising before the open're on the women's suffrage, although manifested in subtle ways, as this marginalization always was justified by appealing to the argument course disinterest of women in the policy, argument is undermined given the countless battles waged by women themselves in the conquest of their rights so paradigmtica for the right to vote, cuestin different is that, as rightly denounced Firestone in his classical work dialectic of sex: in defense of the feminist revolution, this fight has been torn from the pages of history [8].
Such is the magnitude cruise of the importance women attribute and attributed to political participation that, in this unjust situation of infrarrepresentacin, devised and battled for implementacin a series of mechanisms designed to put Finally, among which non-electoral quotas bit challenged them that as a result of arduous struggles undertaken by feminist cruise and women's movements, eventually im

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