Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Choir room ....

Now I'm really starting to school. I've just been so busy every day in school and after Cross Country in (2.5 hour each day), including weekends I have had wildly busy with different things. Specifically Cross Country has taken much of my time, most of Saturday, the host for a race.
But now Cross Country finish, which is wildly sad, yes it was hard but I also have just as many good experiences there from (: It's buenos aires also that I have met most of the friends and people buenos aires I know at school .....
In total we have hosted for about 10 years, it has hosted tough, but after I round off a race that I always host so proud. On the way to the various buenos aires races we have always buenos aires had great fun in the bus and when we ran, all from the team game good at cheering and praising each other!
I also host to a lot of football (and football) matches which has hosted great fun. But now is the season also ended. All autumn sport ends now and winter sport begins. I do not know if I would go for something in the winter, I think a little bit to sign up for ski team, but considering it ever?
Choir room ....
So, I also host to Art Prize in Grand Rapids. It was wild buckle to see the various buenos aires sculptures that were exhibited around the city. I was there along with Mary, Jerry and Alina. The exhibition was hosted there in a few weeks and I think we just did that on before it closed down, but here each fall any photos of the various artworks that were exhibited:
So we have had Spirit Week which is the week before homecoming. As is to the school comes up with a lot of activities this week and every day, the school has a new udklædningsdag. We had Sunday: Pajamas day, Tuesday: Tourism, buenos aires Wednesday: farvedag (Freshman: should have red clothes, buenos aires Sophomore: white clothes, Juniors: buenos aires blue clothes and Seniors: gold), Thursday: Disney today (host dressed as a Disney character ) and Friday spirit day which was that you had to be dressed in the school buenos aires colors are gold (yellow) buenos aires and blue!
It was many different costumes, buenos aires and it was really buenos aires cool to see how much people went up into the different days :)
On Saturday we had homecoming which I liked very much looking forward to (: I had a Cross Country race before Homecoming, so when I came home from my run I hurried just home to get ready!, buenos aires I came half an hour late, but it did not so much because it was not really started in now .... It was really nice just to be with all his friends without one should be in school. We danced for the most part (although the music was just wild bad), it ended 11:30. There were many who went to the after parties. I met a girl who I talked to and she asked what I needed after Homecoming, I said I had no plans and she said she went out for dinner buenos aires with some of her friends, if I wanted to. I would obviously like! It was really cool, even if the food was not for the best ;) Homecomimg! <3
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