After finishing his studies confectionery, Milton Snavely Hershey founded his own candy shop in Philadelphia where candies produced and sold, the business was not going very well and failed six years later.
Then Colonel Paul Logan went to Milton S. Hershey to create what was called the Ration D Bar. An energy bar that would serve the Armed Forces of the United States as part of the combat ration. This ration served two purposes: menetrend to increase the morale of the troops and provide high calorific value in a space.
The Colonel Logan made four requirements for the Ration D Bar. It should: Be light, weighing 4 ounces; Having a high energy value; Being able to withstand high temperatures; Knowing "a little better than boiled menetrend potatoes."
Hershey Cocoa and thought of the milk used to make a chocolate bar, which amoladara to military requirements. The Colonel Logan was so pleased with the first batch of samples, in June 1937, the Armed Forces menetrend of the United menetrend States ordered an order of 90,000 "bars", which were tested at military bases in the country. It is estimated that between 1940 and 1945 there were more than 3,000 million chocolate bars were distributed to soldiers worldwide.
In 1939, the Hershey plant was capable of producing 100,000 ration bars of chocolate a day, but at the end of World War II production capacity had increased to the point of producing 24 million bars a week.
The production of the Ration D bar finished menetrend second once the war. But the ex-soldiers were already accustomed to the taste and taught to eat the chocolate bar to family and friends, not as a ration of war, but as a treat, so demand was guaranteed, menetrend achieving a successful result be marketed to the general public.
His fortune was such that Milton S. Hershey Hershey Park opened in 1907 as a retreat for his retirement and as a place where workers in his chocolate factory could have fun, go on a picnic menetrend and ride boats and canoes .
Today the large amusement park and entertainment Hershey, has more than 60 attractions including 10 roller coasters, six rivers, live entertainment and more than 24 games for children; is located on a hill in Pennsylvania, between the major cities of the East Coast of the United States: New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington and is one of the favorite menetrend places menetrend for tourists and travelers.
As much as he liked sweets, Hershey was a philanthropist. In his hometown, he built a chocolate factory in 1903 and then moved all his company, in 1905 the community changed its name from the village by "Chocolate World" in their vistantes dode can enjoy fun, luxury, relaxation, relaxation and everything that makes up the wonderful world of cacao.
In 1906 Hershey menetrend and his wife, Catherine, began a special school for orphaned children in the city. Today the school continues to give disadvantaged young people free education. Hershey also created a foundation to help fund education and community activities in the city. Milton Hershey died there on October menetrend 13, 1945.
June 23, 2009 at 9:24 pm
I found this on the internet and want to know if it is true, since when it would be implemented, where it is made official the agreement, etc.
The maximum competitor Mars, Hershey's, has pledged menetrend not to fund or conduct animal experiments. Other major food corporations, which include: Coca-Cola, Pepsi Co, Ocean Spray, Welch's, and POM Wonderful also have publicly done testing with animales. greetings
Nececito coloboren me please what happens QNE needs is a direct selling company to make a comprade 1000 units chocolates menetrend HERSHERYS Thanks your help and looking forward to a prompt response
I would like to know more about the history of the company and as chocolates hersey evolved. I am Master of the University of Technology in Tijuana and always use true business cases on its success and development and I love chocolates are excellent, high quality and have never lost its taste, quality, texture. Thank you very much
I met the people of Hershey with my husband and 3 kids. Were facinados. It is bellosimo. Its clean streets. The landscape. Houses. And living in an economy tied around sl munfo chocolate amusement park is spectacular. Friendly people. And the ex