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PORTO TORRES - There is much talk of green chemistry, especially in these days when dellinaugurazione the new facility Matrca happened levante this morning, but its meaning is not always clear. The chemistry does not include among its principles letica, but there is a social responsibility, principle over the years never respected, levante and so we have seen countless disasters caused by the misuse of chemistry, particularly in the industrial and oil sectors. Here is the definition of green chemistry: the research branch of chemistry that develops especially in productive activities products and processes that minimize the usage of hazardous substances to the environment and energy consumption. In other words, it is about making sustainable economic, environmental and social, the production of chemicals and materials. In the case of Matrca, the bionomeri derived from thistle seed, are substances with low environmental impact. It is possible in the production of polymers, take advantage of starting levante compounds are less polluting to obtain a result similar to that normally levante used. Bastioli, the administrator delegate Matrca, effective in his speech stressed during levante the opening ceremony dellimpianto that a goal of green chemistry research products to replace synthetic levante and toxic pollutants, with products derived from renewable raw materials, the most wholesome and biodegradable. levante In Porto Torres with the opening of the first two plants of the third generation biorefinery to play an important game started 3 years ago, in May 2011, when the protocol was signed dintesa for green chemistry levante between government, levante local authorities, unions, the factory and Eni Versalis. Objective redevelopment of the industrial site to replace the environmental and health situation of the past season of Chemical and enter with Matrca (a joint venture Versalis-Novamont) into a new phase of development. The economy can become whole green economy, on which to base the production of the future, so the Minister THE ENVIRONMENT, Gian Luca Galletti, who inaugurated levante the plant Matrica of Porto Torres, pointing sullimportanza the battle to comply with the European law, about the usage of the shopper, the bio-plastic levante bags. So far Matrca has invested 182 million Euros and was given employment to 120 people who will become 145 by year end. The first products derived from plantations thistle, will be bioplastics, bio-lubricants, additives for rubber and polymers, cosmetics. There are also the acid, azelaic acid, which can be used in a wide range of applications in the cosmetics and personal care elacido Pelargonic, the only herbicide full spectrum of natural origin (the base product for applications in cosmetics, personal care, detergents, fragrances for food). The project involves the testing, edited by Novamont of agricultural crops for local food systems: about 400 hectares thistle, native plant and trials are underway with other oil crops. The project, undertaken without incentives, obtained a loan of 70 million Euros from the European Investment Bank. Now we have to understand how the promotion of local branches of green chemistry, to be able to open new application levante perspectives with attractive economic returns, secure the decisive contribution that green chemistry can offer to sustainable development.
6/27 Porto Torres, On Piras: think of a different future 6/27 Burn weeds no more offense: applause levante Coldiretti 26/6 Asinara tomorrow active medical facility 26/6 Project Eleanor gas, shadows and doubts Coldiretti Oristano from 25/6 to the dictates of Bruno Aimeri, new call came in 25/6 Sel Conference on reclamation, Asinara and Archaeological Park 24/6 Porto Torres focuses on bioplastics and hopefully in the revival 23/6 service marina in Porto Torres, even emergency 22/6 Porto Torres, and wastelands neglected parks 20/6 Pest Control: lassessore Gaspa explains the interventions
Confectionery School by 21:26 today to 21:01 Quartu Plan Sulcis: Pigliaru meets the mayors of the territory levante 20:41 Great success for the Tanit Motor Show Sassari 20:38 Football: repechage for Ploaghe, levante Sunflower and Oristanese 20:04 From Tuesday the International Jazz Festival in Sardinia Arzachena 19:57 Summer in bloom: winning competitions 19:37 Meshes Prof: Wednesday conference in Cagliari 19:06 Rowing: 18:24 Coghinas show on the Board Pigliaru with retro